Personal Bytes

I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My handle is terah,
I am 30 years young. I have two beautiful
girls, ages 11 and 7.

We also have a beautiful cat as part of our family,
Beauty has been with us the longest, at 9 years, She is a muddy calico, very ugly
as a kitten, but once her colors cleared .. WOW what a Beauty!!!
She is special mostly cuz she shares my oldest daughters birthday.

I spend alot of my time volunteering at my childrens schools, and working with
a local family center. When I am not volunteering, I do alot of beading,
playing Bingo(mainly at Gamesville,Where I am a certified time waster,
look below for my award!!!!), reading, writing poetry, dabbling in computer art,
learning HTML, (lots of fun!!) homespun crafts, and roses, especially yellow ones.

I relax by cooking, baking and being with my family. There is something quite enjoyable
about taking a fresh baked apple pie out of the oven, and not having any left in a hour.
The joy my family gives me when they compliment my throw together dinner, is worth all the pain.

I think that all of this means, that I am a old-fashioned girl at heart, with an appreciation
of all the modern conviences that this life has to offer us.

A old fashioned cottage roses in red and yellow.


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