What's New
May 1st, 1999  Latest news from the Faber household.

We have a new addition to the family!  No, not a baby (that's not due for another month.  Er, you did know that Linda was pregnant again, didn't you?)

No, the new addition has the somewhat unimaginative, but accurate and functional, name of "Puss".  She is a tabby/tortoiseshell/white moggy from the RSPCA.  Her previous owner is an elderly lady who has gone into residential care, so couldn't keep her.  So far, Puss has settled in well to her new surroundings and is proving to be very affectionate, even putting up with the children's constant calling of, "Puss!  Puss!".

26/9/98 Ordination day.  I am now a Minister of Word and Sacraments, ordained in the United Reformed Church, and inducted to the pastorate of Bush Hill Park URC, Enfield.  After four years at college, now the learning really starts...

5/8/98  Moving day - no turning back now.  We are now resdient in Bush Hill Park, in the London Borough of Enfield.  There are so many boxes to unpack...

14/2/98 The other big news story is that I've finally got around to updating my web-site, thanks to getting a trial version of Microsoft Publisher 97 and wanting to do something vaguely useful with it to see how the program works.

14/2/98 Fish news: we've had a fairly serious breakout of a bacterial infection, and lost over a dozen fish, including all of our neon tetras.  It seems to have settled down now, but we need to do more work before we can re-stock it.  Come on, fish-keepers - (a) what caused it, (b) how can we stop if happening again, and (c) what are your recommendations to replace stuff we've lost?

E-mail me with your ideas.

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