Favourite Sites
Bush Hill Park URC - the folk that are taking me on!
Sawston Boys' Brigade
Geocities Home Page (free web pages/e-mail await)

Christian sites
      Worship Resource Centre
      Christian Marriage
      Christian Software
      Two ways to live - great site about becoming a Christian
      More Christian Software
      Church Computer User Group
      URC's Eastern Province homepage
      Kovach's Christian Clipart
      GospelCom Bible Gateway - the Bible on-line
      World Wide Study Bible - as above, but with study notes
      UK Online Worship Net
      A Christian resources page
      Creationism vs evolution - after all, Darwin only had a theory... He may have
                                                    been right, but then again, who knows?
      The Christian Jokes Page
      Religious Resources on the Net

Tropical Fish-keeping
      Fish Tanks & Hardware
      Bit Nybbler's DIY Page - some interesting projects
      Fishlink Central - more links to fishy sites than you need!
      Cathy's tropical fishkeeping
      David Gilbert's family page
      The infinite page of fish pictures - lots of photos & graphics
      The Aquatic Question and Answer page - useful tips
      British Cichlid Fishkeeping Club
      Duroc's fishy page
      How to make a Macquarium
      Andy Ihatkno's original MacQuarium plans

    The City of Cambridge (UK)
    Reviews of Cambridge restaurants

     X Files Terminal Now Accessed
     The X-Files Episode Guide
     Science Fiction Links

      JASC's home page - the makers of Paint Shop Pro
      One of many graphics resource pages, this one from Madcow
      Greg Schorno's downloadable plug-in filters - for PSP
      More PSP plugins

General Computer sites
Micro$oft's home - love 'em or hate 'em, but you can't ignore 'em
Micro$oft's home - European mirror site (faster from this side of the pond)

Shareware.com -- the way to find shareware on the Internet 

The HTML Language - a guide to programming in HTML
World Wide Web FAQ - self-explanatory?
The Web Developer's Virtual Library

One more for fun...Cricinfo - Live cricket test scorecards!

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