If you've been reading so far, you will know that I am a Christian Minister with the United Reformed Church.

Linda and I are both evangelical Christians - we place great emphasis on what God has revealed of Himself to humans through the Bible.  The Bible gives us the best information about God, who He is and what He is like.  God is supremely revealed through His Son Jesus Christ, and although we can (and should) experience Jesus at work in our lives today, the Bible is the best place to learn about Him and His ways.

The United Reformed Church
The URC was formed in 1972 when the English Presbyterian and Congregationalist churches united.  In 1981, the URC expanded when the Re-formed Association of Churches of Christ came into the union.  The URC is committed to working with other Christian denominations (we would like to see denominational barriers broken down - hence "United").

The URC is theologically very broad, but evangelical Christians (and I hope others) may be interested in the work of GEAR, whose web site is linked here.

Why is Christianity relevant to me and you?
Because God loves you, and created you to enter into a personal relationship with Him.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (New International Version)

It is amazing, and a unique claim among the world religions, that God loves us all so much that he sent His only Son to come to earth, to walk among people, to share in their suffering, and ultimately to die in their place. Through this death, by God's grace and our faith in God, Jesus takes away all of our sins.

We don't have to do anything to be loved by God. None of us has done anything so terrible that we can't share in this forgiveness, because Jesus has taken ALL sins upon Himself.

Our response to this must be one of acceptance by faith of this forgiveness.

We need to:

  • Accept that Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins
  • Believe that your sins are forgiven
  • Confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. This simply means that from now on, you have to live your life in accordance with God's commands. You don't need to ask Him whether to have toast or cornflakes for breakfast, but the important things in life need to be checked out with Him and the Bible.


If you would like more information about Christianity, or if you would like to become a Christian NOW,then e-mail me, or find a Christian church and walk in to it.

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