Welcome to our Scuba Diving Page!

While on our vacation to Turks & Caicos this summer, we took a resort scuba diving class at
Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort and Spa. The resort course
consisted of a 2 1/2 hour crash course on the equipment, safety, and sign language used underwater to communicate. Then
we proceeded to the ocean for a 30 minute open water dive about 20 feet below the ocean's surface. It was enough to learn
the tip of the iceberg of diving, and allow us to get a taste of what scuba diving was all about.
Needless to say, we are hooked! We are now considering getting certified through the proper channels, either
through PADI or NAUI. These
are internationally recognized certifications that you can take to become a diver.
There are several levels you can learn, from Open Water Course all the way to Instructor and beyond.
The PADI Scuba Diver program is a pre-entry level certification that is perfect for vacationers or people who only
plan to dive a couple times a year. You must have an instructor present in order to dive with the PADI Scuba Diving
certification. However, as a certified PADI or NAUI Open Water Diver you have the freedom to dive with a buddy
independent of a professional.
DAN or Divers Alert Network is a non-profit medical and
research organization dedicated to the safety and health of recreational scuba divers and associated with Duke
University Medical Center (DUMC). Founded in 1980, DAN has served as a lifeline for the scuba industry by operating
diving's only 24-hour emergency hotline, a lifesaving service for injured divers. Additionally, DAN operates a diving
medical information line, conducts vital diving medical research, and develops and provides a number of educational
programs for everyone from beginning divers to medical professionals.
Click on the images below to check out the websites and get more information on how to become a certified diver.
