- Parrots have the potential to lead very long lives if fed a proper diet.
- Current research shows a pelleted diet meets the nutritional needs of
- A well rounded diet that offers variety would also include fresh fruits
and vegetables, pasta, rice, whole grain breads, raisins, hot peppers, and
occasional lean meat. (chicken, turkey)
- For most parrots, seeds and nuts should be given sparingly and only as
treats, as they are high in fat. This does not include some of the large
- Birds are social creatures and should be included in your mealtime. They
can eat whatever you are eating, if it's healthy. Sharing your meal with
them will help to increase their bond with you.
- Never allow your bird to ingest avocado, chocolate, alcohol, house plants,
caffeine, sugar, salt, fat or tobacco smoke.
- Fresh water and clean dished should be provided daily. Birds love to play
in their water, dip their food and literally dive into their bowls,
especially if the vacuum is running !
- It has been noted that parrots have the intellegence of a 5 yr old child,
and the maturity of a 2 yr old child.
- There are many stimulating and interactive toys on the market that will
keep your bird entertained. But if you are creative, safe toys can be
offered from things around the house. Cut 2x4's on a chain will always be
chewed, but some more creative offerings are: wooden spoons, little box's of
raisins, box with a walnut inside, stainless steel nuts & bolts, popsicle
sticks, wooden clothes pins and cardboard egg cartons with a treat inside.
- To always be in control of your bird, the commands of UP and DOWN should
be taught early and used often.
- For your safety, your bird should always be carried on your hand, not your
forearm or shoulder.
- Taking your bird to a neutral room or to a play perch, stand or tree to
exercise, will help to broaden his acceptance of new situations.
- Household hazards that can injure or kill your bird are: over-heated
nonstick pans, scented candles, aerosols like air fresheners, hair sprays
and cleaning products, unsupervised children, dogs, cats and other birds.
- It is not unheard of for a person to take their bird outside with
unclipped wings, and having been startled, watch the bird simply fly away.
Should you choose to clip your birds wings, a standard clip would be the
first 6 or 7 primaries. If you are unfamiliar with this procedure, have your
vet do it, or have him train you to do it.
- Your most important tool is your avian vets phone number. But an avian
"first aid kit" is invaluable to have in case of overnight and weekend
emergencies. What you stock that kit with depends on what you are
comfortable treating. You and your vet have to decide that. Some basic's
include towels, hemostats, scissors, quik-stop, q-tips, bottled water,
bandages and vet wrap.
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