- Parrots are sentient creatures, capable of experiencing a range of
- Any person wanting to own a parrot should be ethically and financially
responsible for its health and happiness.
- Responsible ownership includes educating oneself on the ever-evolving
research that has developed and information that is constantly becoming
- All parrots require daily interaction with their owners.
- Most Cockatoos require a great deal of attention, but a good rule of
thumb, is not to provide more today than you can provide 5 yrs from now.
- Other species including Conures, Cockatiels, African Greys and Amazons
also need socialization, and they are adept at utilizing their toys and
playgyms in a satisfying way.
- Before purchasing a bird, view a variety of parrots, categorize and take
note of their needs, and then compare to what you can provide.
- Don't choose a large, loud bird if you live in an apartment. You may find
yourself or your bird, homeless.
- It is important to find an avian veterinarian beforehand, both for the
well-bird check-up and in case of emergencies. Once a year vet checks help
you to keep track of your birds health.
- Purchase the largest possible cage you can, as exercise is as important as
mental stimulation. Outfit the cage with a variety of perches and
appropriate size toys. Install the cage in the main living area, but away
from kitchen fumes.
In addition, they need frequent baths and not all of them talk.
The fact that parrots are messy is a given. They are responsible for
re-foresting the forest floor.
They are noisy in that their normal vocalizations are to flock call in the
morning and evening. Plus they love to chatter in between. This is their way
of communicating and should not be discouraged.
Aside from the initial investment of the parrot itself and cage, there are
ongoing costs of food, routine vet checks, grooming costs (clipping wings,
trimming nails), toys and occasional emergencies requiring veterinary care.
Being intellegent creatures, parrots need to occupy their time, and if not
provided with a variety of toys, will turn on their (your) environment. That
translates into your woodwork, blinds, coffee table and antiques.
Most parrot species originated from a tropical or rainforest environment.
For good health and feather condition, frequent baths are necessary either
in the shower, with a spray bottle or in the sink.