C. J.'s Story

Brightly colored Macaw named C.J.

We know it's a fact that domestic violence exists. We see evidence of that in the news media daily. Thankfully I have never been a witness to that terror.

Unfortunately, C.J. Macaw has, he came from such a home, and repeats the horrendous events, word for word. When you hear the beating, the screaming, the swearing, the shouts of pain, it's like you are there first hand ! It's like you are a fly on the wall. It makes your skincrawl.

The husband had threatened to release the macaw outside, HELLO - This is Nebraska ! A wildlife rehabilitator friend of mine intervened and took possession of him to eliminate one more volatile issue from the home.

C.J. lived with the rehabber for a year, but she had 5 children and no time or room for a feisty Macaw. Although C.J. grew to like her 12 yr old son, and still calls out his name, she sought to rehome him. Several attempts were made to place C.J., both privately and with a zoo, but after learning of his horrific language, all offers to take him were withdrawn. That is when he came to Safe Haven.

Vet checks and quarantine assured us that, in fact, he was a healthy bird, but there were anger issues that hadn't even been touched. And there was the fear of hands.

It has been 2 years now since his arrival and he continues to learn new words daily and loves to be scratched behind his head. He has a sense of humor and intelligence that continues to shine through. But there are days when he swears all day, every day. And then he repeats the argument.

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