gene gryniewicz 7509 W. 161st PL tinley Park, IL 60477 708/532-8603
Newsletter |
won't you?
Volume ??? Number .... next
Heartland Story League
Promoting the Art and Joy of Storytelling in Chicago's South Suburbs
Bring a story you want to share ... or something you would like to work on; a friendlier audience you couldn't ask for. Or bring your questions ... . If we haven't answers for you, we can try to find them out together. Most importantly -- and we ask you to think about this -- bring your desire: what do you want to get out of the Heartland Story League? Do you want to be a Storyteller (do you want to learn to tell just one story)? Do you want to be a better Storyteller? Do you want to find out just what this whole Storytelling thing is in the first place? ... Want to learn more stories? Want to learn where to find more stories? How do I find out where I can tell stories? ... ask us. Demand! ... but you gotta show up, first. | ||||||||
You gotta ask! | ||||||||
We petitioned the Library for a
variety of dates on which to hold meetings. The most opportune,
for both our schedules, appears to be the third Friday of the
month. So mark your calendars -- |
Meetings 2007 - 2008 |
April 20th | May 18th | June 15th | |
August (?? picnic) | September 21st | October 19th | November 16th |
December 21st | January 18th | February 15th | March 16th |
Meetings are held at the Tinley Park Public Library |
... beginning at 6:30 ... we're gonna try to confine the business part of our meeting to the first half hour (or less), allowing for more opportunity to talk about the more important things in life ... like stories <!> |
... or answering those questions you gotta show up for to ask ... | ||||||||
... or suggestions ... | ||||||||
So | ||||||||
... bring yourselves ... bring your thoughts,
questions and suggestions ... and maybe an answer or two, yourself ...
bring your stories (we'd love to share them) ... . Bring your
desires --
This is a golden opportunity to help shape the Heartland Story League; we have a new place, a new time and, with you, new blood ... . Re-shape it . ... re-mold -- Make of it what you will.
Heartland Story League
Promoting the Art and Joy of Storytelling in Chicago's South Suburbs
When storytelling guilds go bad ... | |
you know it ... though you might not
want to admit it ... . When they go really bad, you can
read it in their faces -- the wide, vacant stares, the eyes twitching;
their lips tremble. And you see them in knots on street corners,
pitching pennies at passing school children to catch their
attention. Whispering -- "Psst! You wanna hear a story?
"Once upon a times ... I got 'em. Wanna taste?" "Happy endings --" Sad. |
And when storytelling guilds begin to go bad ... | |
when they have only begun to sour ... when they can still be saved ... isn't that is the time to act? | |
But you have to remember -- be gentle; it is not the storytelling guild's fault; it is not the guild that owns the blame ... at least, not entirely. That rests almost entirely with its members, with the storytellers themselves ... who first raised the guild and who were, in turn, raised by the storytelling guild ... and who turned their backs on it. | |
Who abandoned their first community of storytellers ... . | |
Perhaps the issue is time. Most
certainly, there is there an issue with time; there always is --
Or physical health? Perhaps. Priorities ... Or ego ... Perhaps it is simply a matter of growth; as a storyteller you outgrew your storytelling guild. It happens ... especially with the carrot of eventual membership in the Storytellers' White Lodge ever dangling before you. Dangling ... membership -- It could be disillusionment. A realization that you're never going to be as good a storyteller as you imagined yourself to be. In fact, you tell yourself, you are not a storyteller at all ... |
when, | |
in fact, | |
you are ... . | |
Heartland Story League
Promoting the Art and Joy of Storytelling in Chicago's South Suburbs