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Tell Tale Heartlander



Member's Events

For Women's History Month, Vicki Elberfeld and Lynne Clayton presented a program of personal and historical (Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony) tales, poetry, and songs at the Ethical Humanist Society, 7574 N. Lincoln Ave. (corner of Lincoln and Howard), Skokie, IL. 

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New Heartland member Elysabeth Ashe shares the adventure of being only 6" tall with her Arboretum audience.

Border's Bookstore
Two Rivers Storytelling Festival
Warrenville Folk Festival
Stories in the Park

Heartland Story League was featured in the 'Living' section of the Daily Southtown on May 12, 1998 in an article entitled "Unraveling the Yarn" by Mariana Farrell.

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Individual Members are telling



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Tell Tale Heartlander