The Heartland Story League






Promoting the Art and Joy of Storytelling in Chicago's South Suburbs 

Heartland Story League is over 20 years old and often called "the best kept secret in the south suburbs," even though we don't intend it to be that way.  Please let friends and neighbors know about our group, especially if they are potential storytellers ... or potential audiences.   We are available to perform whenever and wherever there's an audience to hear us.


Heartland Story League

Promoting the Art and Joy of Storytelling in Chicago's South Suburbs  


Meetings 2007 - 2008

April 20th May 18th June 15th July
August (?? picnic) September 21st October 19th November 16th
December 21st January 18th February 15th March 16th
Meetings are held at the Tinley Park Public Library

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Heartland Story League

Promoting the Art and Joy of Storytelling in Chicago's South Suburbs  



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