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Tell Tale Heartlander



Heartland Story League is a not-for-profit association of storytellers. It was established in 1985 by a small group of Youth Services Librarians from the south suburbs of Chicago. Its purpose, then, as now, was to share and promote the love and joy of storytelling.

       For nearly 20 years Heartland has sponsored workshops for its members ranging from vocal control to adapting folklore. Well known storytellers who have conducted workshops for the organization have been Janice Del Negro, Linda Gorham, Beth Horner, Syd Lieberman, Susan Stone, Jennifer Munro and Megan Wells

       League members have told stories at various locations including the Oak Lawn Public Library, Ingalls Memorial Hospital, Chicago Ridge Park District and the Brookfield Zoo.

       Heartland now includes members from many walks of life (teachers, librarians, freelance tellers, homemakers, factory workers, etc.); the main focus of the organization remains the same: to share and to promote storytelling.



Heartland Story League

Promoting the Art and Joy of Storytelling in Chicago's South Suburbs  



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Tell Tale Heartlander