Noel, age 53, now is Dad. Married and  an invaliad retiree resident of Brisbane QLD. I feel that it is a great place to live . I was born in Cairns in F.N.Q. which is Far North Queensland. My first work was as a Jackaroo on Cattle properties and working in the Bush.  I then Joined THE GREEN MACHINE which is the ARMY spent time overseas in Malaysia and did 2 trips to S.V.N. which I don't talk about much now .In 1989 whilst working in the N.T. I was injured at work badly to the point where I am unable to work now. I moved my family to Brisbane in 1991 as the medical services are better here. I fill my days in resting and reading and IRCING. The I.R.C. has been a lifesaver to me it has allowed me to once again meet people and talk . My nick is noel or starsdad and Ican be found on #Jesuslovesyou, #Family, #Christian, #the_jailhouse #prayer. My prayer partner is Xenos and we meet regularly on #Prayer for people who have prayer requests. There are some great Ladies and Gentlemen on I.R.C. and it would take ages to name them all but they know who they are !!!  I am pleased to call them my friends they are a great bunch of people . I have been a Christian for over 20 Years and Fellowship at World Harvest Ministries at Bracken Ridge it is a great Church and is well worth a visit if you are in Brisbane . I attended Bible College in Townsville at Rhema Bible College before moving to the Northern Territory. I look forward to to the opportunity of sharing the Gospel with folks and have had the Privilege of leading several people to Salvation on I.R.C. If you would like to know more about Salvation or have a Prayer Request please E Mail me at nlesina@ozemail.com.au we would be only to happy to help you if we can . 


And now this is TRISH. I am known as Trish or starsmum on I.R.C. You can usually catch me with the rest of my family on the same channels . Thanks for dropping by our home page, it is not the greatest one on the net but it ain't half bad for two middle aged folks. Well, I have not set the world on fire in any way. My best accomplishments are my children and making a nice home for my family.  I read a bit... I like Australian History books and historical novels.  I enjoy handcrafts, particularly creative card
making and stamping.  I am a consultant for Crafty Kids that operates by
Party Plan, where I meet and encourage people of all ages to be crafty. I enjoy music, love the 40's swing, classical and gospel. I have been a Christian since 1978 and I see the internet as the greatest tool to reach people. Time is short and the Harvest is ready. So Seek the Lord while there is yet time. Remember, you too can email a prayer request to us here, or if you are seeking salvation come to #Jesus Loves You and hear the words that will bring you eternal life and peace. Alternately, email us here and we will get back to you. Wherever you are in the world I want you to know God Loves You. 

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