(Ephesians 6:12)!!!!! We do not go out into the Streets and engage in Physical battles Brawling and Causing Anger . But we do Battle the Principalities and Powers of Satan. Since the Fall of Man, Satan has been trying to keep Christianity at a standstill . How does this happen ?????
In fact he is just mean ,rotten ,disrespecteful ,a DECEIVING FRAUD that has no Character at all and is out to do as much harm to the Church as he can!!!!!. Types of demonic Activity Christians and Non Christians
can encounter.
TORMENTING SPIRITS To torture to cause suffering to steal blessings !! 1John Ch 4 Vs 18 There is no fear in love ,but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear has punishment (torment) .He that feareth is not made perfect in love . LYING SPIRITS Untruths and Falsehoods on a regular basis !! There are people who just dont understand why they LIE.Read Ephesians Ch4 Vs25a which says put away lying spirits. Proverbs Ch6 Vs17b God hates a lying tongue . Read 1Kings Ch22 vs 21-22 in which it talks of an evils spirit coming forth as a Lying Spirit . It already has had other positions in satans workforce and come out as a new spirit . UNCLEAN SPIRITS Foul Dirty and Impure !! Matthew Ch 12 Vs 43-45 speaking about unclean spirits that leave and then return to their habitation they had before. These attack in the areas of Spiritual Walk, Impure Thoughts ,Desires and Lusts. Mentally with Impure Thoughts and Delusiounal Behaviour. Physically provoking a desire not to bathe or wash . VEXING SPIRITS Troublesome Disturbing and Agitating !! Matthew Ch15Vs22 speaks of a vexing spirit.Matthew Ch17 Vs15 also speaks about being greatly Vexed. OPRESSING SRIRITS Burdened down weighted down heaviness of Spirit!! NOT TO BE CONFUSED BY POSSESSION . Acts Ch10 Vs38 healing oppressed people Opression is one of the Main Reasons Christians Fall it needs to be dealt with in the Name Of JESUS!! LUST OR TORTURE SPIRITS Perverted desire and desires to cause hurt, pain, disfigurement. Many Crimes where people are disfigured or butchered are nothing but demonic possession. If a person constantly and conciously bombards the mind with these Violent Books ,Films,Videos and Mind Fantasies they will be led astray by their MINDS becoming more and more under the control of their Fantasy world they have made up . SPIRITS OF DECEPTION Deliberately misleading so as to Distort and pervert the TRUTH Matthew Ch24Vs24....2Timothy Ch3 Vs13......2John Vs7......1John Ch4 Vs1-6 tells us to test all things to see if they be of God .."DO IT TEST ALL THINGS" Not all religions are of God .....Not all experiences are of God ......Not all supernatural experiences are of God ...Not all of YOUR thoughts and opinions are of God . The devil moves in deception and in a very subtle way ..Check out what subtle means :- ingenious ,clever, delicately skilful, and not easily detected . ALCOHOLIC OR DRUG SPIRITS Controlling addictive desires (the activity of managing or exerting control over something). Only by the Grace of God are people set free from addictive spirits such as this. This is one of the main reason we do not see Drug and Rehabilitation Centers having success because they substitute one drug for another I.E. Methadone . The desire for more is always present and it ends up controlling the persons body. SUICIDE SPIRITS Self destructive evil forces that delude and torture through the mind. Poor souls that are depressed and discouraged, are led into believing that no-one cares or understands how Bad and low they feel. The world wont miss them anyway as they are led into believing they are worthless. Depression is not confined to the un-believer. Many Christians may have depression and need to seek counselling and Prayer for this condition . Depression affects SPIRIT SOUL AND BODY and is Rampant in todays society and is allowed to go unchecked. RELIGIOUS SPIRITS Professing but NOT Possessing the Christian Life . Having all the outward appearances without the inward convictions,being seen to please man but not GOD. The sunday Christian that goes to Church on Sunday with his family and Belts his wife for the other 6 days. Religious Spirits are found in the following Spiritual Pride ......Religious Ambition ........False Prophetic vision..........Strained and often far fetched REVELATIONS SIGHTINGS .....Wild and Fanatical practices and notions.......CULTS.......Strange and abnormal affections. HOW CAN WE AS CHRISTIANS KNOW ?? PEOPLE
We the Christian Body of Christ have to work"NOT" in our "OWN NATURAL" Power but in the "AUTHORITY OF THE NAME OF JESUS" ,this is where Power comes from,"HIS" Authority which we apply in our walk with Him ,to work in the natural ability that we think we have is DANGEROUS and can accomplish very little long lasting Glory For GOD, we need to be sure that our walk is in accordance with His Wishes ,and we must always LISTEN to the Voice of God.
Remember,in WARFARE, you have been given power. Exercise your God given rights and see what God will do for you....You will be amazed at the differences that will appear, in your life, and the life of those you pray for . Dont wait!! If you have a problem start NOW!! Your time for freedom has come . Take it now it is your RIGHT. ![]() Noel & Trish * Star * MIA * Links * Battle Zone * Credits * Webrings Apply for Award * Awards * Home @ 1997,1998,1999 nlesina@ozemail.com.au Designs by Deb