Richard Halliburton was born in 1900 in Brownsville, Tennessee and attended Princeton. After graduation, at the age of twenty-two, his father offered him a Grand Tour of the world as a graduation present. He declined and instead he resolved to roam the world without benefit of family, extra baggage, or travel plans.
We, as readers, should be forever grateful of his plans to travel in this manner as we can read of his wondrous adventures as he traveled at a time in history that was still very glorious and in a time when the sound bite, and short story time on tv was not know. His descriptions of places and people were such that you felt you were present.
In his stories he visits the great wonders of the world, rides an elephant over the Alps, swims by moonlight in romantic places, and even visits Fort Jefferson, where Dr. Mudd was imprisoned after setting John Wilkes Booth’s leg.
I will be adding to this page as time goes on, and sharing my favorite story of when Richard Halliburton swam through the Panama Canal and was charged by weight just as the large ships are. He claimed he was the SS Hallibruton and could do so by maritime law.
If you have a special Halliburton story, please share it with us. Or just say hello.
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