Crystal, guess what!
Timmie, The Traveling Bear, is coming to visit us soon.
He will be staying with us for a while and learning all about Florida and
Won’t that be fun? We can do so much together.
We can go to the beach.
Look for seashells
Play in the water
Visit a Florida Blueberry farm
We could even go on an airboat ride
Visit interesting places in Tampa and other Florida cities and towns
We might even get to go to a theme park!
Maybe we can play football together - that would be fun.
We need to go and tell Honey Bear that Timmie is coming to visit, and ask her to please help
us plan a nice visit. She is a very good party planner.
Come on Crystal let's go and find her.
Lets see we can .........
Well hello JJ how are you today? 
I am so glad you called and came over to plan Timmie's visit.
It is going to be so much fun having him here. Let's go to the garden and plan some more things to do while he is here.
I think we have a very nice trip planned for Timmie's visit. We must make sure to have lots of Timmie's favorite foods - peanut butter and chocolate milk!
Would you like more cookies and juice before you leave JJ?
To be continued
Would you like to sponsor a visit from Timmie to your home? He is trying to visit each state and then go to other countries to learn history and how other people live.
Find out how you can be a part of this great adventure. Timmie's Home Page.
This page last updated on 26 November 1998
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