
Twitty Bird Bad Ole Puddy Tat
Marvyn the Martian That wasn't a bit nice
Moe Howard I'm trying to Broadcast here!
BURP! for boy visitors
The silly fairy Laughs
Woody, Toy Story U'r my favorite deputy
a big door, closing
Star Trek Energize!
the silly fairy talks
Star Trek, Scotty Leave that alone!
Star Trek, Energize!
Message for you sir
Jackie Gleason as Ralph Cramdon "The meaning of Christmas"
I Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Red Skelton
Foghorn Legghorn 'like a gernade in Oatmeal'
Foghorn Legghorn Pay attention, boy!
the Peanuts Theme
Sgt. Friday We're Police Officer's, Mam
foghorn Legghorn He's as strong as an ox
Jimmy Cagney as George M. Cohan My Father, Mother, sister and I - Thank You!
Woo-wooo-wooo Curley, of 3 Stooges
Star Trek Door closing
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