Pa-Pa's girl.... Megan Ashley You, REALLY, didn't, expect to see me, did you? |
"Jesus, is Lord !"
- If you have NOT accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, let me encourage you
to invite Him into your life. The Bible says "If we will come to Him, He in no way will
cast us aside". Take a moment right now where you are to say this simple prayer, in
Faith believing that when you do, He will come to you;
"Dear Lord Jesus, forgive me of all the stuff in my life that is not pleasing to you, I know I
need help, and I ask you to come into my life and take control. I believe you died for me, I
believe you are alive today and calling me to follow you. I do that now and ask you to guide
me by your Holy Spirit in the way that you would have me go. Amen" Now: do two things,
- [ONE] CONFESS, Jesus as your Lord; that's right! Right there where you are,
out loud, "I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of my Soul and the
Lord of my life".
JohnM Let us know of your decision to follow Christ. We want to
help you in this new walk and pray with you.
If you would like to talk to someone right now; Trinity Broadcasting
Network [TBN] (714) 731-1000 A 24 hour, open line, to a friend
Let them know, you have just accepted Christ as Lord.
- "May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
be with you and keep you, in His Grace.
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"The Day Rick Saved Old Glory"
PRAISE by Jack Hayford
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W. W. J. D.
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