Most of the information you find here is obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable.
We are however not responsible for mistakes or errors on this website.
We are always busy to improve.
Please check back frequently to find more charities listed and to discover more innovative services.
Comming Soon : The CPC-Donation Newsletter !
We will be able to inform all our members of news and new project developments.
Our regular advertisers will be charged for publication of their products and/or
services. Every cent of this will go integral to charity.
Subscription to the newsletter will enable us to maintain an e-mail database used
to follow a strategy based on a committed relationship with donors.
Our Mission, Principles, and Services
Our Mission
- To insure that donors are better informed about where there donations are going to.
- To make it possible that donors have more control over their contributions.
- To show what donations have accomplished in our community.
- To encourage more people to give more money more effectively to charities.
- To evaluate different non-profit organisations and to promote the best.
- To guarantee that there is a better communication between donors and the non-profit organisations.
Our Service
- Provide people with information on charity
- Provide tools and resources.
- Provide a forum between the people and the charity organisations by using the interactivity
of this new medium.
- Using state of the art tools to make electronic donations possible.
- Passing the news about events and encouraging in combination with the above an effective way
in donating.
If we see how many million of dollars are donated yearly to charity then we can
decide that we live in a very generous world.
Although most of those charities are legitimate but we still have to be careful.
Before donating everyone should have a clear look at the charity’s management.
There should always be a balance between the fund raising and the spending.
In other words : how much is used for the charity programs, how much is used for
the fund raising itself and how much is spend on administration costs.
We think at least 70% should go to the charity.
But there is more ! Please consult our donation tips below to make sure you don’t
throw your money on the streets.
- Make sure you are able to check the raising and spending information of the
charity you choose
- Be sure that there is at least 70% going to the project.
- Never be pressured to give money fast.
- Always check and double check to whom you give your money.
- Give ! but give wisely.
Dear Corporate and Foundation Executives,
The CPC Donation Center is in the process of setting up and improving new resources.
Among these you will find Electronic-Assist-Toolbox a very useful working-tool to streamline your donations.
This toolbox will encourage you to a marketing approach with the goal to improve sales and corporate
image while providing at the same time a benefit to the community.
- Non-Profit List
By consulting our Non-profit organisation list you will be able to find worldwide charity projects in relation to your products and services.
To get this off the ground we are in need of your input.
Therefor we want to invite companies to provide us with information about their charity programs and
the product or service range.
We will make profiles and allow these to be accessible to our users, both contributors and non-profits.
- Charity events pages
Many companies will also be major sponsors of charitable events.
We will list your support efforts on our Charity Events Pages.
- Interactivity
Ofcourse we will also not neglect in adding links to the website of all participating companies.
We accept all help, tips, advice and comments allowing us to make our service even better
You as a corporate sponsor and your financial support will help us with the on-going costs of keeping our site vital and up-to-date.
OFCOURSE you do understand that we can't do this on our own. So please take up the glove and help us in creating a better world for our children !
Email us your suggestions, tips and advice NOW !
Your help is Vital !
- Direct Donations
- Exclusive membership areas
- Corporate sponsorship and advertisement.
- Selling of products against a commision
- Games of chance (Lottery, Contests)
Learn your children to share with others in need.
Let them take an active part in Charity and help them in setting up there own projects.
Our K*I*D*S*_A*C*T* program
Your child can use a part of his pocket money to help this ongoing interactive
program. It will help them to learn about managing money to help others.
After receiving the subscription of your child he or she will become "Manager
of the K*I*D*S*_A*C*T* program. Your child will be able to select a
charitable organization that would benefit from the donations of your family.
The task of your child.
Your child should start a project together with their friends or classmates
Teachers can help out here to start class-projects. They can then donate a part
of their pocket money or the money they raise by doing little jobs into one
Let them choose a safe place to store their cash. After a month you can then
accompany the children to let them transfer the money to the charity of their
own choice. It is important to get your child involved personally.
If the organisation is close by then let them make the donation in person.
Our commitment.
We will reward the best projects with a webpage on our site to allow your
children follow up their own projects.
You can update your information as often as you like.
- Post upcomming events.
- Present volunteering opportunities.
- Make a link to your website
- Sell merchandise online in our Charity Shop.
- Interact with other organisations and corporations.
Comming soon !
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Child Protection Center
a non profit project
Europe : Marc Smits
USA : Trish Fayne
Copyright Antwerp Action, 1993 - 1997
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