Hi Friends !
Welcome again to the Parenting pages. You will find lots of links on these pages.
We change our site often, so don't forget to bookmark us now.
These sites contain excellent
information on child safety, parenting, and family matters.
At the Fathers Page you'll find links about hunting, fishing, sports, beer and wine, news and dad's at home. New in Dad's Place is Motorworld and links to do-it-yourself pages.
Time to blow of some steam Mom. At our Mothers Page you'll discover links to gardening, recipies and women's studies. If you want to change your place then you will certainly find the right site with our links to interior design. If you need some information about pregnancy, women's safety or women's organisations then jump in. And if all is getting too much then take it easy with our best
hobby sites or links to fashion and beauty.
Hi Grandma , Hi Granddad if you want ideas on what to do with your grandchildren, if you are looking for Grandparents links, if you are interested in issues relating to your grandchildren, if you just want to share your ideas with other grandparents or if you want to learn about the concerns of others on the net, then you have come to the right place

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Child Protection Center
a non profit project
Europe : Marc Smits
USA : Trish Fayne