Hi Friends !
Welcome again, this time to our Professional Resources and Links pages. You will find lots of links on these pages.
We change our site often, so don't forget to bookmark us now.
At our SOS Page you'll find all the links you need when you are searching for professional help. On this page there are links to food related issues, doctors online and more information about diseases. Together with the links to professional newsgroups and magazines you will find here regularly updated information about Poison Control Centers.
The SAFE link page will take you to issues like safety on the internet enabling a safe surf for your kids. You will discover lots of good links to homesafety, products and poisons. We sincerely hope that you'll never need the links to Child Abuse and information about missing children. Please find also our excellent Safety Advice where we'll give you tips about your children and safety in regard to electricity, fires and burnings, poisoning. We will guide you here towards safety related organisations.
And while you are here, don't hesitate to consult the TEST , our information about how to check your children.
Practical tests to see if they are ok !
Comming soon is "Hello Doc" where you can get advice from the Doctor on-line !
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Child Protection Center
a non profit project
Europe : Marc Smits
USA : Trish Fayne