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We have now owned BENGAL CATS in our household for the past 5 years and they sure do enhance our menagerie. We have one F3 and one F1 generation. As they are new to us, the information we have gathered from watching and working with ours, and are mostly about F1's and would not recommend that you get an F1 unless you have the time to devote to them. We originally got our two F1's at the same time, and boy are they a handful. We recommend having only one F1 to start with. First-cross (F1) hybrid's tend to be shy, nervous, untouchable cats, much like their wild fathers. Like mules, first-generation (F1) hybrid Bengal males can not reproduce, but their (F1) sisters can. In subsequent generations males become fertile and so breeding back is not necessary. Icky-Bear and Tigger-Two pictured above are our F1 males not all F1's are born with the spots and markings that Tigger-Two has. Icky-Bear took his colors from his more domestic mother. "Any other generation of Bengal cat is a delight to have around the house". Itty-Bitty is our F3 female. I haven't got a good picture of her yet, but when I do will put it up also. Itty-Bitty is the nicest, sweetest, most loving cat, which we all enjoy. She is also colored like Icky-Bear.
We are always in awe when we wake up in the morning to see what they have been playing with. Pens, paper, my refrigerator magnet's, toilet paper!! Place a hand towel around the TP! Please explain to guests that
the toilet paper is under the hand towel. (If you don't you will not
only have to protect the TP from the cats but your laundry bill will increase!)
Get a hamster ball for each toy and place one toy in each ball. It can create hours of fun for them, and you won't find 'surprises' when you clean under those couches and chairs! Be sure to check under those cushions too.
Super glue the magnet's to the refrigerator, you will occupy a Bengal Cat for hours. They will fall to the floor, not your magnet's. Bengal's are very social, love people, and are dependable once they are several generations from the Leopard Cat. You have to work more with F1's in order for them to become more loving, as they prefer their own to human contact. BENGAL CATS are not aggressive or threatening, F1's also, are not aggressive or threatening, even though they may sound like it in their voices when you work with them, but they are not! F1's tend to be shy and aloof and need a lot of time and work in order to tame that shyness. They have the confidence and self-assurance you would expect from their breed. It is easy to develop a unique rapport with a Bengal cat, especially Itty-Bitty our F3, as she loves to be around us, and loves attention. We are still working with our F1's. They can be independent as the mood strikes, like any feline. F1's are notorious for independent moods. We have to go looking for them. Bengal's use the litter box like other cats. F1's need a bit more work in this area, as they like a clean litter box. As long as their box is kept very clean especially for F1's, they will use it, but the wild side of them insists on a new area to go in, so if it gets too cluttered....GUESS WHAT they WILL go elsewhere!!
Once when we forgot to clean the litter box out, Icky-Bear not wanting to be associated with that box used a trash can, right next to my computer. Immediately after we cleaned out the plastic bag, and before we could get their box emptied, WHAM Tigger-Two went there, also. It was the funniest! If you have the time to devote to F1 Bengal cats, they also can make ideal house pets. They get along well with children and relate well to other pets. F1's still have the wildness in them so beware of placing them around birds that fly and other small pets that roam around. It is not easy to intimidate a Bengal cat they don't get defensive. The timid, more nervous breeds are more apt to inflict injuries as they defend themselves. The Bengal will simply saunter off because he knows he's superior. Our F1's know they are superior!! Ralph loves to work with the more wild bred of cat. Our first cat "Icky"
was part "BOBCAT" and domestic, born in Alaska, and lived almost 20
human years. Icky traveled all over the world with us and many people
fell in love with him. Icky will always be missed.
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