Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Animal Area

Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Bengal Cats Page

Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Chinchilla Area

Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Family & Friends Page

Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Hello Area

Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Index Area

Granny-Wicked & Ralph's On-Line Learning Area

Granny-Wicked's Paint Shop Pro Gallery

Welcome to Granny-Wicked & Ralph's Place

We moved from Colorado to Missouri in 1994 and started a MINI FARM we have had animals of all kinds:

Farm Animals
Chinchilla *
Sheltie *
House Cats *
Bengal Cats *
Turkey *
Chickens & Ducks *
Guinea Hens
Emu & Rhea

* denotes current farm animals we are working with.

Lately some of our farm animals have depleted do to nature. We are fighting the battle of nature over farming as well as people dropping off strays who are starved and attack our animals.

With natural preditors such as: raccoons, skunks, possums and black snakes, our little farm has dwindled in size for some of our animals.

We have set up live traps and are working to return these critter's to the deep forest and nature, that is no easy task either.

Turkey Emu Rhea

Thanks for visiting us and please sign our guest book, on
so we can keep in contact with our new friends and neighbors.

Come and visit us anytime, you never know what new things will be added.

Ralph & Granny-Wicked ; )

Petting Zoo Award

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Family & Friends | Hello | Index | Learning ONLINE |
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*Copyright © 1997-2003 Granny-Wicked & Ralph
*All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated April, 2003