A Home Away From Home:
The Parlor
Bobbi Florence: The Child Care Provider
I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio and I have worked with children in some capacity steadily since I was 10 years old, when I assisted my mother with a Sunday School class for 4 year olds and ended up teaching the class! I am now a single mother of two teenage boys, Todd and Sean, and originally chose family day care as a profession when the boys were small to contribute to the family income while still spending time with them. This section will give you an overview of my education and experience working with children.
- Coventry High School (Akron, Ohio): Graduated June 1978.
- Kentucky Christian College (Grayson, Kentucky): Bachelor of Science Degree May 1982.
- Major: Bible
- Major: Christian Education
- Minor: Psychology
- Edgewood College (Madison, Wisconsin): Currently working on Master's Degree in Education.
- Required by the State of Wisconsin to receive 15 hours of continuing education each calendar year as part of child care licensing.
Experience as a Trainer
- Workshop Presenter, Metropolitan Family Child Care Association Conference (Milwaukee, WI), September 1997.
- Part-time Instructor, Blackhawk Technical College (Monroe Campus), May 1999 - present.
- Early Childhood 1
- Early Childhood 2
- Various child care workshops
Preschool Experience
- Rainbow's End Preschool (CreveCoeur, IL): Teacher's Aide, 1988-89 school year.
- Knox County Head Start (Knoxville, TN): Teacher's Aide, March 1987 - June 1987.
Other Experience With Children
- Sunday School/Church/Youth Group Teacher (Akron, OH; Marshall, IL; Knoxville, TN; Creve Coeur, IL; Monroe, WI)
- Children's Choir Director (Marshall, IL; Creve Coeur, IL; Monroe, WI)
- Teen Choir Director (Marshall, IL; Knoxville, TN)
- Vacation Bible School Teacher (Akron, OH; Marshall, IL; Knoxville, TN; Creve Coeur, IL; Monroe, WI)
- Vacation Bible School Director (Marshall, IL; Creve Coeur, IL; Monroe, WI)
- "Wee Worship" Developer & Director (Knoxville, TN)
- Curriculum Writer for 2-year-old Church Class (Knoxville, TN)
- Cub Scout Webelos Den Leader (Monroe, WI)
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