A Home Away From Home:
The Family Room
"Extra, Extra!"
Current Family News
I finally got those pictures back that I had been promising! At this rate, our Christmas pictures should make it up here sometime in July! Oh, well. Enjoy!
My Family Photos

This summer the boys and I took a one-day trip to Merrimac, Wisconsin and visited the Maritime Museum there.

Merrimac was one of the places WWII submarines were manufactured. This sub is anchored outside the museum, and Sean and I enjoyed a 45-minute tour of the inside (really fascinating!)

A close up of the gun decks on top of the submarine.

As promised, I finally took a picture of my oldest "child," Tig-Tig. Tig turned 16 in May, and still thinks he's a kitten. This picture is blurry and does not do him justice! For a better look at where Tig is "camping out" in this picture, visit my Play Room.

Here, Sean feeds goats at the Henry Vilas Zoo on a daycare field trip. For more pictures from that trip, please visit my Field Trips page.

Those of you who have been to my house will notice a new addition to my front porch! A special thanks to Robert and Kris for helping me install my new railing.
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Last Updated:11/21/97
For more information contact Bobbi Florence bobbi@inwave.com