Homepage, including What's New
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The History of Yarrowfell Dalmatians
Current show prospects
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Abacus CCD ET CGC
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Fyrebird CD ET CGC
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Alls Forgiven CD ET CGC TT
Yarrowfell High Fashion CGC
Yarrowfell Deja Vu ET
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Supermodel ET
Yarrowfell Youre On Next ET
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Fyrebrand CCD ET
Yarrowfell Arabian Nites ET
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Top Dog
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Ultima Ratio
Yarrowfell Vision Divine
Yarrowfell Virtual Dog ET
Yarrowfell Sorcerer ET
Yarrowfell Whirlwind CCD ET CGC
Show results
More show results
The organisation of dog exhibiting, breeding and trialling in Australia
Archive of past champions
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Intaglio CDX TDX ET
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Ultra Dog CD ET
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Zingaro CD ET
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Romancer CD AD ET
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Delovely
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Abacadabra
Aust Ch Yarrowfell My Fair Lady
Aust Ch Yarrowfell Allez Oup
Yarrowfell Velociraptor ET
Aust Ch Vickma Anthea
Aust Ch Dumbledeer Norwester
Aust Ch Childwall Cute Electra
Links to Australian Dalmatian sites
Articles on our experiences with the dogs
BAER Hearing Test - What it is and why we use it
Tracking - An article by Neil Hurst, News Spots, October 1995
Agility - A survivors story, News Spots, September 1997
Salute to special achievers feature, Australian Top Dog Journal, February 1997
The first Endurance Trial in New South Wales, News Spots, August 1994
The Australian Dalmatian Breed Standard
Rules for the Conduct of an Endurance Test
Pages on Previous Litters of Puppies
The "H2" Litter - whelped 8 November 2006
The "G2" Litter - whelped 24 December 2004
The "F2" Litter - whelped 28 October 2003
The "D2" Litter - whelped 26 December 2002
The "C2" Litter - whelped 14 November 2002
The "B2" Litter - whelped 19 July 2001
The "A2" Litter - whelped 13 November 2000
The "E2" Litter - whelped 7 February 2000
The "Y" Litter - whelped 6 December 1999
The "Z" Litter - whelped 28 February 1999
The "X" Litter - whelped 19 July 1998
The "W" Litter - whelped 14 December 1997
Reports on Endurance Trials
Canberra 2007
Canberra 2006
Canberra 2003
Canberra 2002
Canberra 2001
Canberra 2000
Canberra 1999
Canberra 1998
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times since 3 May 2000
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Yarrowfell Dalmatians - Sitemap / T. Hurst /
/ revised 24-May-08