Yarrowfell Dalmatians


A number of articles about us and our dogs have been uploaded to the webpage:

The BAER hearing test - what it is and why we do it.
Tracking - An Article by Neil Hurst, News Spots, October 1995.
Agility - A Suvivors Story, News Spots, September 1997.
Salute to Special Achievers feature on George (Ch Yarrowfell Intaglio CDX TDX ET), Australian Top Dog Journal, February 1997.
The first Endurance Trial in New South Wales, News Spots, August 1994.

Not quite articles, but also interesting:

The Australian Dalmatian Breed Standard.
Rules for the Conduct of an Endurance Test.


This page visited times since 18 November 1997

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Yarrowfell Dalmatians - Articles / T. Hurst / yarrowfell@geocities.com / revised 22-Feb-01