Welcome to our guestbook. The following comments are from people who have visited our webpage and left a message. |
Cruella De'vill - 12/05/00 22:08:00
My Email:cruellad@hotmail.com
Kennel Name: Pretty Pretty Puppy Palace
I love pretty little dalmation puppies!!!
Smage - 11/16/00 06:34:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/smagethecat
My Email:smage_the_cat@hotmail.com
Kennel Name: I don't have one!
I love your site it cool I just love to see this all day but Im doing my site up to I see it 5 day a week!
I need to go now bye!
carolyn law - 02/03/00 02:05:15 My Email:law_carolyn@hotmail.com | Comments: Hi Tim I have been enjoying your home page for the last 1/2 hour. I've seen your name come up on AussieDals. Obedience is my special interest. As yet I've yet to trial. Our first trial will be in July at Illawarra Dog Trial. Zara and I have had group and private lessons for the last 2 1/2 years. I was prepared for it to take a long time. We go to a national obedience judge, Peter Franks. Your comments re having a border collie / german shepherd struck home. A couple of comments I've had are "You must be kidding?" Dallies do not appear to the favourite dog someone with an obedience proclivity would purchase. But as you commented, when w rking, especially in fast movement, they look spectacular. We are going to get our titles before we both get too old. Practice for Open is going well if I could just get Zara to hold the dumb bell. Enough of my prattle. Thanks for your imformative site. Carolyn |
crystal - 01/29/00 00:43:20 My Email:dalmatians80@hotmail.com Kennel name: crystal | Comments: i love dalmatians and just LOVE your web sight and just wondering if you can send me some dalmatian pitcures got to go crystal wilt |
Ann Meloncelli - 01/07/00 11:56:02 My Email:melann@octa4.net.au | Comments: Hi guys, just wanted to say hi from Darwin. all well. Jake and Mandy are well.enjoying long walks on the fairway and swims in the lake(Mandy not Jake)They terrorise any lizards, frogs or bats that dare come in the yard.Love the site makes me homesick. |
Dirk Jörgens - 12/14/99 21:50:39 My URL:http://www.dalmifreunde.de/Bajazzo.htm My Email:Dirk.Joergens@t-online.de | Comments: I just surfed on, nice site. I got a male liver dalmatian. Greetings from Berlin, Germany Dirk with Bajazzo |
BARBARA THOMPSON - 10/08/99 18:25:55 | Comments: Your dogs are beautiful!!! I have 3 dalmatians, 2 liver & 1 black. Barbara Thompson Denver, Co 80112 |
Tami Brandt - 09/25/99 06:44:11 My URL:http://www2.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/sfcd.html My Email:playboy_model@yahoo.com | Comments: Hello, I love your site. I also have a similar site located at the above url (which has info on submitting your sites to the directory, if they aren't already there). But if you would like to bypass the beginning of the site, and go directly to the Dalm tian section of the directory, it's located at: http://www2.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/breeds_dalmatian.html Come see and sign the guestbook! |
Lillian Strait - 09/13/99 03:39:04 My Email:crazy_dawg_lil@mailcity.com Kennel name: still in thanking. | Comments: I founnd your web sight VERY helpfull! I look forward to the up dates. |
TRUDY NEWITT - 05/07/99 23:20:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9339/ My Email:pokadot@cherry.com.au Kennel name: Pokadot Dalmatians | Comments: Great site, love your information and pic of the week. The articles are great and the dallys of course beautiful..... best wishes trudy |
Jo Elsom - 04/27/99 11:21:10 My Email:jo_elsom@dpa.act.gov.au | Comments: As the proud owner of the long-term boarder Luka, thankyou so much for giving her a birthday party. I bet she enjoyed every bit of her cake - even though, no doubt, it all went down in one delicious gulp! Thankyou again. |
Ron and Ruth - 03/14/99 01:42:31 My URL:http://alltel.net My Email:ramckelvey@alltel.net | Comments: |
Philippa Hurst - 02/24/99 11:29:54 My URL:/Petsburgh/6768/ My Email:p.hurst2dynamite.com.au Kennel name: Yarrowfell Pugs | Comments: Great Pic of the week. Good to see such a beautiful picture of Morgan and Nemo. |
Luis Alonso López - 02/10/99 00:07:05 My Email:llonchonet@yahoo.com | Comments: Hi there I'm from Honduras Central America. First I want to tell you that I'm a dalmatian lover.I have three dalmatians at home, Balin, Lucas and Penny, they're disaster,that is how I describe them. I'd like to say that your page is great what I like most is the Image of the week picture, it is always a surprise, I print the pictures for my nephews, they also like them. Well thanks a lot, take care! |
Ann Meloncelli - 02/05/99 08:55:40 My Email:KeithMeloncell@bigpond.com Kennel name: not yet | Comments: Hi to all my dally friends down in ACT and NSW.Miss all of you terribly.Darwin is hot and humid.Shows are at night thank God.Jake(CH YARROWFELL TOP DOG)is looking good.Mandy(YARROWFELL WITH PANACHE)is beautifull and has 5Best Minor In Group.Havent shown s nce last September.To hot in build up.Start in March.Jake is a dad& puppies loverly.Neil,Jane,Tim,Philipa,Bec will see you hopefully next year. |
Rob& Jen Leemhuis - 01/24/99 10:57:57 My Email:leemhuis@dynamite.com.au Kennel name: none | Comments: We thought your web page was great.Had hoped to catch up with you on Sunday at the show but you weren't there.Hopefully will catch up with you in person soon. We have the naughty little 1A bitch that wouldn' walk in the ring and caused many people to chuc le. We are interested in obedience,agility and flyball. Great reading on these subjects on your pages. |
Lisa Bailey - 01/11/99 05:28:16 My Email:luckywood@ozemail.com.au Kennel name: Luckywood Dalmatians | Comments: I loved you Home Page! |
NICOLES ,DAD - 01/10/99 02:24:29 My Email:hoffmanp@starwon.com.au | Comments: Nicole asked me to have a look and check her dog out she tells me its the only grandchild i am getting. I will follow his and NICOLES progress with intress Peter Hoffman |
Nicole Hoffman & Glenn McCormack - 01/09/99 00:10:27 My URL:http://I wish My Email:None Kennel name: None we rely on Yarrowfell Dals | Comments: Here we are at Cyberchino Cafe spending our money on Oscar (Chocolate) again. The pictures are fabulous especially of Jade's puppies and even more especially of our own baby. I think you should list Oscar as a very promising show prospect. We can't tha k you enough for introducing us to the world of dallies. Our life has changed drastically for the better because you thought of us as suitable dally owners. Oscar also thanks you because he is the most spoilt and worshipped dally there is. Glenn has ju t told me that I now sound like every other crazy dally owner. Thank you once again and Glenn wants to know when we can adopt another one of your beautiful children. We will see you soon for your answer because we don't have a computer so no email. |
Erna kuipers - 12/27/98 01:26:11 My URL:http://www.namarasdal.demon.nl My Email:bosstadkuipers@namarasdal.demon.nl Kennel name: Namara's | Comments: what a lovely site. very interresting |
Maryann Bruce - 12/07/98 09:16:13 My Email:bahal@picknowl.com.au Kennel name: Pending (sometime this week I hope) | Comments: Enjoyed your site and your dals. I own 3 dallies all girls who are the joy of my life. I have just had my first litter which was great. I also show and breed Himalayan Persians. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Regards, Maryann Bruce (Adelaide) |
Philippa Hurst - 11/24/98 07:41:03 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/6768/ My Email:p.hurst@dynamite.com.au Kennel name: Yarrowfell Pugs | Comments: Like the photo of Nemo. Why isn't there a link to the pugs page yet? |
Jill - 11/14/98 01:15:36 My Email:ooma@lisp.com.au | Comments: Hey there, you have a great site of Dalmatians. I was wondering if I could get some images and send them to my friends? C-ya |
Maria Nethercott - 10/21/98 11:25:20 My Email:spotofclass@yahoo.com Kennel name: Spotofclass | Comments: Hi, this is my frst go on the net so I hope this gets to you. enjoyed reading your site. I have three dallies. My first bitch won her C.D. at the Melb. Royal with a fifth place and my boy won his C.D.X. there too, again with a fifth place. We'ev only b en trialing since Aprl 30 "98 so I am very happy with the results. I show my dogs too and they are Aust. Ch. but I get a bigger thrill out of obedience. I train with a small local club but my hero and private instructor is Glenys Briggs. She trains wit lots of food rewards and well dallies being dallies they respond and learn very quickly to the reward system. Glenys won best in trial at the Royal for a record 5th time. I really have alot to thank her for, especially her strong belief in dalmatians a ility to do well at obedience....a view not widely hed by many clubs and instructors in Vic. Hope to see you at a trail some time. Regards Maria |
Gail Whitehead - 10/16/98 14:33:21 My Email:Snow2Luck@aol.com | Comments: |
Kathy Riddle - 10/06/98 17:31:16 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RDALS/index.html My Email:rdals@hotmail.com Kennel name: R-DALS Champion Dalmatians | Comments: I really enjoyed your site...some beautiful Dals. We are currently, and almost always are, under construction but invite you to take a look at "R" spotted friends. |
Mobbs Family - 10/04/98 01:38:56 My Email:mob1@ozemail.com.au Kennel name: Woodie | Comments: Hi Neil and Jane! This is our first test run on the net! Woodie past second stage at Belconnen Dog Obedience. Its great to know that he is a water baby!! Loved seeing Woodie on the net. Take care, Chris & Barb (Woodie aswell!) |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Carlos Picado - 09/29/98 22:37:06 My Email:c_picado@hotmail.com Kennel name: Punky | Comments: I like your page, specially your photos. I own a female Dalmatian, she will be 2 years old this december. Last week she get pregnant (I hope!), and i was looking for information about dalmatian breeding and pictures. Regards, Carlos Picado San Jose, Costa Rica. |
Jonny - 09/27/98 21:30:37 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2762 My Email:jhaugs@c2i.net Kennel name: Have non | Comments: You have a nice page |
Pam Hoole - 09/24/98 02:52:47 My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/alexandra/650/index.html My Email:Pam.Hoole@ACTEW.com.au | Comments: Hi again I have a photo of Bec and Crumble on my 'Friends' page now. |
Andrew White - 09/16/98 09:18:49 My Email:owenw@quantum.net.au | Comments: Still doing a great job on the page!!!!! I love the pictures. Keep up the good work! |
Buz Womack - 09/16/98 00:34:45 My Email:RWomackMMS@aol.com Kennel name: Womaroo | Comments: I enjoyed your site, I love Dalmatians and Emu. I have 6 Dalmatians and 7 Emu. I make Software for the Emu Rancher and for the Dalmatian Breeder. In addition, I make Medical Software for Dialysis. Goodday! Buz Womack |
Cathy Murphy - 09/13/98 04:11:39 My Email:cmurphydals@eohio.net Kennel name: Touchstone Dalmatians | Comments: Fascinating reading about your Dals. I have had Dals for over 40 years, our first AKC CD obedience title in 1959. First conformation dogs in 1973, since then bred & placed many Dals which earned titles from Ch. to Utility Dog, in Agility, Tracking, etc. Was delighted to hear you are doing obedience, etc, and know Dals don't learn well by force training! Ch.Touchstone's Wheeler Dealer CDX CGC TT, Ch.Touchstone's Yosemite Sam UDTT, Ch.Touchstone's Sassy Sorceress CDX TT,etc. were our dogs. Present No.1 Boy is UKC Gr.CH./AKC CH/Int.Ch.Touchstone Dealer's Choice TT CGC TDI "Chip", we now have 9 Dals, 5 Gr.Ch 's, AKC CH's Etc. But Are BELIEVERS in obedience & other activities for DALS! Have to sign off now, but will be back to read more about your Dals and Australian Events! |
Mervi Heusala - 09/09/98 06:15:36 My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/yhdistys/dal/index.htm My Email:mervi@tatsi.fi | Comments: Greetings from Finland! You have great pages! Please visit also the official pages of the Dalmatian Club of Finland. They will soon include the results of the World Dog Show 98, with pictur |
maryanne reardon - 09/08/98 23:46:39 My Email:reardonm@dynamite.com.au Kennel name: cramaysha labradors | Comments: hello Mr Hurst and Mrs Hurst i love your pic of the puppys i think they are very cute . your whole webpage is great. maryanne |
Pam Hoole - 09/02/98 03:23:14 My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/alexandra/650 My Email:Pam.Hoole@ACTEW.com.au Kennel name: Still Pending | Comments: I had to say Amber looks beautiful |
andrew+gail - 08/21/98 12:22:18 Kennel name: not decided | Comments: thought your site is great, we have two of our own, OSKAR + DAISY one is 14 months one is 4 months you find it amazing how smart and strong willed they are. |
Pam Hoole - 08/05/98 03:17:23 My Email:Pam.Hoole@actew.com.au Kennel name: I wish?? I still can't think of any | Comments: Hi Neil & Jane Why isn't Crumble in your list of dogs being shown?? Great site Pam |
Kellie Stanford - 07/27/98 08:49:46 My Email:_snorkle_84@yahoo.com Kennel name: n/a | Comments: Hi sorry I don't breed dalmatians, I just own one and I wanted to ask you a few questions. Well I have loved dalmatians for a long time now and before i went ahead and bought one I went and looked at a few litters. I was planning on getting a show one but fell in love with a negeleted pup. Anyhow one breeder told me you have to feed dalmatians a different diet cause they are proan to gall stones, is this true? If so what type of diet should he be on? thank you and please get back to me if you can! bye. |
Stephen - 07/23/98 13:24:14 My URL:http://surf.to/ReportWeekly My Email:skatong@hotmail.com | Comments: Just surf in to say hi... in our Quest to make this world a better place for all. Would also like to share with you The Yellow Ribbon at http://members.tripod.com/~fxam "I believe that what self-centred people have torn down, other-centred people can built up" - Martin Luther King |
dinky santos - 07/22/98 06:52:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8655 My Email:dinky@webquest.com Kennel name: sunshadow labrador retrievers | Comments: good looking dogs!!!! |
Andrew A. Matveev - 06/15/98 17:37:54 My Email:navigator@medcom.ru Kennel name: Ekaterinburg dalmatin club (Russia) | Comments: I looked on your dals -- they beautifuls! I know, how hard and not easy make good show dal from little puppie, my congratulation to you. with best regards Andrew Matveev. |
John and Judy Shergold - 06/13/98 14:02:39 My Email:shergold@internet19.fr Kennel name: Cats only! | Comments: Finally connecting |
Korcula Midnight Constellation - 05/24/98 03:59:30 My URL: My Email:dwestfall@dpai.com Kennel name: Korcula | Comments: Maxie says that he especially enjoyed looking at your puppy pictures ... He hopes to meet with you all someday. Thanks ... |
Jill & Bob McEWEN - 05/06/98 04:41:12 My Email:rjmcewen@netspeed.com.au Kennel name: Yoyo | Comments: Hi Jane,Neil,As you can see from my first efforts in trying to send a message, I failed dismally. But I have finally mastered it no (I think). You are to be congratulated on your Website, it is very entertaining and very informative especially when you ha e met most of the Dals you talk about.Yoyo is fine and has got to be the most spoilt human(dally I mean)that I know. I come very distant second to her.Keep up the good work.Regards,Bob. |
ped and kristine - 05/03/98 13:55:39 My Email:ktinio@mozcom.com Kennel name: Rosie, Dalmatian | Comments: Your homepage is great! We learned a lot! Thanks! |
Philippa - 05/03/98 03:18:43 Kennel name: Yarrowfell Pugs | Comments: Had to visit to see what was new. Looking Good. |
Pamela Hoole - 05/02/98 04:55:46 Kennel name: Thinking of one | Comments: Loverly page, and dogs too. Crumble is doing well and currently trying to remove the ears of one GSP. The backyard has been suffering from her frequent visits as she seems to think that dirt should be made into mounds and moved around to other spots. W ll see you soon , Love Pam (and Bec looking over my shoulder as I write this) |
Frits Williams - 04/13/98 06:38:41 My URL:http://www.gil.com.au/~dizzidot/ My Email:dizzidot@gil.com.au Kennel name: Dizzidot | Comments: Love your site, very informative and fun to look at. Frits Williams , Dizzidot. |
Ang and Aid - 03/29/98 10:49:37 My Email:a.newell@student.canberra.edu.au Kennel name: Cosmo | Comments: Hi Neil and Jane,We finally made it to your site!Photos look great (just need credit to the photographer, ha ha!!!). Cosmo is going great and if anyone is interested he is the one with the green string around his neck in the "puppy" photos.See you soonLov Angella and Aidan |
TIFFANY HARRISON - 03/26/98 02:35:59 My Email:828-389-8630 NC | Comments: I really enjoyed visiting your web site. My husband and I own 3 dalmations and we have had raised several litters of pups. During our experience of breeding and raising dalmations, I have learned that taking care of the dalmation takes alot of work and time. I do enjoy my dalmations and I would like to say you that you have some very beautiful als. Good luck |
Vivienne Skinner - 03/09/98 10:46:45 | Comments: Tim...Well done. Remind me one day to tell you about the first dalmation I ever knew called Tito. |
Dr. Sherry Guldager - 03/06/98 23:52:54 My URL:http://www.calweb.com/~k9spot My Email:k9spot@calweb.com Kennel name: Sundance | Comments: Very well thought out and presented. |
C. Mummau - 02/15/98 17:53:54 My Email:cmummau@pen.k12.va.us Kennel name: Dalmatians of Madison | Comments: Enjoyed visiting your web pages and reading your history, etc. Hang in there!! |
Sandra Davidson - 02/05/98 21:01:58 My Email:davidsonnz@clear.net.nz | Comments: As Duke's "Great Grand Parents" domiciled in NZ we consider Duke as done a great job as a "maiden" sire.The litter looks well on the screen. Every success for them in the show ring. |
jak - 01/31/98 01:00:12 My Email:kenjord@aol.com | Comments: |
Maryann Augustinus - 01/22/98 02:31:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2216/index.htnl My Email:vandercraats@rmit.edu.au Kennel name: Pending! | Comments: Just thought I would drop by and say g'day. A very informative site. |
Neil Hurst - 01/03/98 11:19:16 My Email:nhurst@pcug.org.au | Comments: My internet access came through today so I thought I'd just call in. Dad |
kimlynn Hibbs - 12/31/97 21:12:20 My Email:hibbs_kd@academ.wvwc.edu | Comments: My boyfriend and I just bought a dally about two months ago. Her name is Penny and she is about 4 months old. She already know how to sit, rollover,jump, and fetch. The only problem we have is that this is the first dog we have owned and we cannot thin of a name for her. We want something unique and inspiring to her. If anyone can help. Please e-mail me. |
Kerry Williams - 12/30/97 02:33:23 | Comments: Neil, have finally got round to looking at your Web site. Have enjoyed visiting. See you at an obedience trial. Happy New year |
Andrew beal - 12/20/97 06:13:34 My Email:beal@riverland.net.au | Comments: Are you able to advise of any Dalmation breeders in South Australia? In particular in the Riverland region (ie. Renmark, Berri, Loxton, Waikerie etc). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Andrew Beal |
John & Michelle Goodwin - 12/15/97 04:08:06 My Email:mhgoodwi@mobil.com | Comments: We have just moved to Australia and had to leave our beloved Dalmatians behind. We had two - Dallmalli Houston - beautiful lady!! and her Daddy's darling! and my baby - Leroy Brown - who died of cancer at age two years! Yes - he lived up to his name!!! We miss them both terribly, and cannot wait to start all over again with new "spotted" friends. Dalli's are wonderful animals and great pets. Every home should have one!!! |
Rod & Becky Seller - 12/15/97 03:46:55 My URL:http://rodseller.moreprofits.com My Email:westberri@aol.com Kennel name: Skye Seller | Comments: I see spots before my eyes! We have a female dallie. shes very spoiled and loved very much. |
ian - 11/22/97 01:52:51 My Email:regenthr@netspace.net.ai Kennel name: n.a. | Comments: Hi, just had a quick look, a very informative page! Learnt of it from the Ozdog list. My breed is the German Shepherd, but ALL dogs are great. If you read my email on the list today on a near tragedy, that says it all, I still feel the shock of that dear puppy heading for (potential) disaster. Ian and 'Reggent' CDX. |
heather wieser - 10/29/97 21:44:42 My Email:onestop@clear.lakes.com | Comments: i posted one just a couple of minutes ago but read and want to add more to it sorry i have a 10 mounth old female her name is diamond she is a very smart dog she knows how to sit shake play dead and one paw is is it a deal she also knows how to wave .they are very smart dogs if you take the time to train them and just take it slow. like i said a need a male for my female if you can help me with this email me please |
heather wieser - 10/29/97 21:37:50 My Email:onestop@clear.lakes.com | Comments: looing for breeder of black ans white dalmations close to austin minn can you tell me of any if you can please email me at above address thank you |
Heather - 10/11/97 16:12:17 My Email:meandmydal@home.com | Comments: I really enjoyed your page. Especialy "George" what a handsome male!I think you can expect for him to go far.I have a 14 month old male, who is the love of my life. I cant imagine ever owning another breed. I am seriousl looking to aquire a bitch in the ext 8 or 9 months and would welcome some tips from anyone who might be able guide me on how to select a 'narrow" or "elegant faced" pup instead of the broader or "box Shaped" head.Please feel free to contact my e-mail address. |
Michelle - 10/01/97 01:30:02 My URL:http://Geocities.com My Email:MeDabomb11@aol.com Kennel name: what do you mean kennel name? sorry 11 yr old | Comments: I love dalmatians! and i love your page! it is great! please e-mail me back. I would love to hear from you! |
Debbie Blyton - 09/09/97 03:05:33 Kennel name: Dallydale | Comments: Sharing a love of this wonderful breed. Thrilled to see the extent to which you have protected your breed lines from the problems we must all aim to steer clear of. Looking forward to seeing the next generation of Yarrowfell Dalmatians. |
HaidukCladders - 09/02/97 17:51:37 My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/HaidukCladders My Email:HaidukCladders@t-online.de Kennel name: vom Kirchwinkel -VDH/FCI - | Comments: Many Greetings from Germany sends Peter Cladders & Thomas Haiduk, Breeders from "Kirchwinkel-Dalmations", 20 years ago. Gratulation to this very nice homepage. |
Michelle Raoul - 08/26/97 18:27:27 GMT My Email:raoulmd@gov.ns.ca |
Comments: Great site! I thought the History was very interesting. It's comforting to hear stories/advice/info from caring and reputable breeders. I have 2 rescue Dals right now, Oreo and Riley. Both are neutered. One day when time and space permits I would like to get involved with breeding but I worry about the difficult job of finding good homes for all the pups. And sometimes I wonder if I could let any of them go at all!Michelle, Oreo and Riley in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada |
Sandra Francis - 08/22/97 00:50:07 GMT My Email:kronborg@tig.com.au Kennel name: Kronborg |
Comments: |
Mariana Saliola - 08/21/97 13:53:00 GMT My URL:http://www.mmarte.com.br/dogtimes/ My Email:dogtimes@mmarte.com.br |
Comments: We live in Brazil, where we work on creation and managing of websites and we love dog's. For these reasons, we created "The Dog's Times", a monthly eletronic newspaper which brings hints on dog care, as well as curiosities and other related link. This month we focus the Dalmatian! And we like to invite everibody to visit the site. That would be truly rewarding for us. Mariana Saliola |
R. Cullen - 08/21/97 13:40:18 GMT My Email:rcullen@can.eds.com |
Comments: Great website. You have beautiful Dals. I too have a dalmation called Calvin who can be a handful at times but don't know what we would do without him. |
Carla - 08/21/97 02:54:02 GMT My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~tomcarla/eerste/eerste.htm My Email:tomcarla@earthlink.net |
Comments: Hi :-) Great page!! really enjoyed it. We have a Dalmation too, called MilkyWay. She is fantastic, great with the children and rules the house (she thinks)... |
Micki Lockhart - 08/20/97 22:57:22 GMT |
Comments: Super home page! Beautiful Dal. Good to know that Dals are beautiful the world over. Welcome to Dal-L. |
Marco Pozzi - 08/20/97 15:41:16 GMT My Email:mpozzi@liverpedcard.u-net.com |
Comments: Excellent site and magnificent dogs! At the moment I have only one dog. He is a Dalmark (UK breeder). |
Krista Winkelbrandt - 08/20/97 15:19:01 GMT My Email:kwinkelbrandt@mail.arc.nasa.gov |
Comments: Tim, What a wonderful site. I am on the dal-l mailing list - welcome - and loved your write up on your kennel, how it got started etc. Can't wait to hear from you some more on the list. Krista |
Sherri L. Dalton - 08/20/97 13:09:29 GMT My Email:ladder21@ptdprolog.net Kennel name: n/a |
Comments: Beautiful!!!!! |
melinda - 08/19/97 09:52:16 GMT My Email:rmoses@loxinfo.co.th Kennel name: nil |
Comments: I love dalmatians and I have one of my own. Her name is Patches and she's so playful,most people will call heer untrainable but she's actually quite obedient. I've been looking at this website with the greatest of interest and all I can say is it's great nd well done! Anybody can contact me at my e-mail adress if they want to discuss Dalmatians with me. It doesn't matter whether you have a dally, or not. As long as you like the breed, I will respond to your e-mail!!!!! |
Mary Squire - 08/10/97 15:49:28 GMT My Email:kastle@powernet.net Kennel name: Kastle |
Comments: Hello: I finally got on line, and I'm checking everything out. And I enjoyed your web page. I have a whole herd of dalmatians that have taken over my home. |
Julie Baird - 08/10/97 10:47:43 GMT My Email:jbaird@canberra.starway.net.au |
Comments: Dear Neil, Jane & Tim What a great Webpage. You've done a fantastic job. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Regards Julie, Pete, Max & Indi |
Vicki Glauer - 08/08/97 20:01:56 GMT My Email:glauer1@Compulinx-net.net |
Comments: Hi from Ohio. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed visiting your webpage. I have 2 dalmations myself, Britt and Sara. Dalmations are very beautiful and enjoyable dogs! Bye! |
Caroline - 08/02/97 21:10:58 GMT My Email:manata@hotmail.com |
Comments: I like Dalms very much and i think it's good to have 1 in your house |
Anne Bahr - 07/30/97 13:26:55 GMT My Email:jakbahrs@bigpond.com Kennel name: Dalmatiner-(Townsville) |
Comments: Hi there just a quick hello from up north to say enjoyed visiting your webpage. Bye for now Anne, Joe & Kris and dals Dasha,Rocky,Madi, and Roy. |
Rhys Morgans - 07/18/97 23:24:42 GMT My Email:J.Morgans@net.HCC.nl Kennel name: Gwynmor Dalmatians |
Comments: Nice to see that Dally`s are on the web. Look forward to hear from others contaminated with the spots !!!! |
Andrea & Boing - 07/10/97 00:51:03 GMT My Email:rysewood@cwi.net.au | Comments: Hi Tim, Just to let you know that my email address has changed slightly. I have changed servers this week. Everything is going well down here in Victoria. Catch up with you soon. Regards Andrea and Boing. |
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