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In the order of their age,
Grandchildren first,
we start with the baby of the clan.

Taryn Alexandria Gordon

Alejandro James Martinez

He was born March 21, 2000.
He is Brandy's baby,
(see her below)

Aubrae Marie Bertuccio

She was born July 7, 1999
Shown here with Mommy Mandy

Sierra Deanne Utzman

This picture was taken April 7, 1999.
Sierra is the daughter of our ex-daughter-in-law Heather,
who is also Sean's Mom.

Sean Michael Smith

Sean was born, (a handfull!), October 24, 1992
Sean is the half brother of both Sierra (above),
and Charles, (below).

Charles Landon Smith

He was born June 19, 1991
He is the original handfull of ....

Anyway, I digress.
Next we have, the children.
These three are Jay's.

Mandy Lee Marie (Lanius)

This one is Jay's oldest daughter. Born on Sept 23.

Joseph Gordon, Wife Becky, and Daughter Taryn Alexandria

was born in San Diego when Jay was in the NAVY
His birthday is September 25.

Brittany Gordon

She was born April 15
in San Diego,also.

This is Roses daughter


Her birthday is May 6th.
She is living in Denver with her husband Jose, and son Alejandro.

Sean and Charlies dad, John, Rose' son,
John Smith

Is living in Denver, also.

Rose and Jay Gordon

Our wedding anniversaries are April 23,1994(private)
and July 23, 1994(public).

Last Updated: October, 2004