The History of Battery "A", 137 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Bn.
with some Photos of the 608th Military Police Battalion, Leyte, Philippines 1945


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Battery Roster 


 608th MP Bn.

Battery "A" Photos

Here are the only pictures I have of the Battery at Wellfleet.  If you know any of the other men in these photos, please let me know. 

Use your back button to return to this page after viewing a photo

On March 24th, 2002, I was contacted by Mr. John Grochan of New York State, a former member of Battery "A".  My thanks go out to Mr. Grochan for his help identifying some of the men in these photos and for his service to our country.

1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
  1. Standing (front) with no shirt, Joseph Poerio.  4th from left Charles A. Stern.
  2. Front John Grochan, behind him Eugene Beaumont.
  3. Front John Grochan, behind him Eugene Beaumont.  Middle Row, center Robert Mahoney, and Right David Wulinsky.  Back Row, Right Charles A. Stern.
  4. Standing 2nd from left, Eugene Beaumont, 4th from left, Charles A. Stern.
  5. Back Row, left Ralph Riccio, center Joseph Perrio, far right Charles A. Stern.
  6. Standing, left John Grochan.  Sitting, front Eugene Beaumont. Standing, right Charles A. Stern.
  7. Sitting, Eugene Beaumont. Standing, left John Grochan, middle David Wulinsky, right Charles A. Stern.
  8. Unknown


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