The History of Battery "A", 137 Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Bn.
with some Photos of the 608th Military Police Battalion, Leyte, Philippines 1945


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Battery Roster 


 608th MP Bn.


Company A, 608th Military Police Battalion
Leyte, Philippines 1945



After the break up of the 137th AAA Gun Bn., my Father was trained as a Military Policeman and ended up with Company A, 608th MP Bn.  These are the photos which were in his photo album.  The names and captions are what he wrote on the backs of the photos.  If you know any of the unknowns please let me know.  Some photos have been digitally enhanced to make them viewable again.  Click on the Thumbnails to view them.

Use your back button to return to the thumbnails.

John Jim Shorty, Baxter
The Big and Little

J. Wallace Hozach
Alias “The Old Man”

Jim Memorial Day Services 1945

front-Thompso, Hashell
back- Pepe, Baxter, Booth

Den Deuth Jim




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