Policies and Rates

The daycare is open Mon-Fri from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I expect and appreciate you sticking to the hours we agreed upon in our personal contract. If everyone goes home early, I close for the day. This means if your normal pick up time is 3 p.m., don't assume it's okay to leave your child till 5p.m. Call and make arrangements ahead of time. I try to be flexible in an emergency but I may have errands to run or even another set of children to watch. Picking up your child in a timely fashion is expected. The same applies to unscheduled days off. Please call by your normal drop off time if you are not coming. If your child is more than one hour late and I have not received a call from you I will assume you are not coming. I will not be held responsible if you find I'm not home when you get here if you don't call to tell me you are running late. If you get off work early, or are not going to be at work, please let me know of a phone number where you can be reached in case of emergency. Communication is the most important ingredient.


Full time children are any that are here over 26 hours per week. Part-time children are here 25 hours or less.
Under 2 years old.........
$80.00 per week full time   
$40.00 per week part-time
2 year olds & up
$65.00 per week full time
$35.00 per week part-time
Before and after school care....
$30.00 per week
School children who are here all day (no school days)
$14.00 per day
Additional children in the family will be discounted and that price will be determined in your personal contract.

Payments and Late Fees

Weekly rates are guaranteed and fees include FULL pay for your absent days. If your child is ill, then we can work something out.  It also includes an activity fee for full time children. The rates are subject to change, but you will be given notice before rate increases. You will pay the same set amount each pay period regardless of the hours you actually attended of the hours you asked for. Your child is either considered full time or part time. You will not be allowed to bounce back and forth week to week. If your child needs to be re-evaluated due to change in circumstances we will sit down and discuss different arrangements that fits the new needs two weeks before the actual change.
I do accept Public Aid through the state of Wyoming and work closely with the local D.F.S. office. All paperwork for this program must be filled out before I start watching your child. Your parent fee must be paid by the first Friday of each month. You must also sign the monthly sheet for that program on the last day of the month. If for some reason I do not receive pay from public aid for fees you have incurred you will be held responsible and will be expected to pay what you owe me. You and not the state will pay late pick up charges.
Payments are due on the 15th and the last weekday of the month by 5:30pm unless other arrangements have been made in advance and in writing.  If you will not be here on the day your payment is due, then it is due on the last day of the week you are here. NO EXCEPTIONS. I don't want to put you in a financial bind, but you expect to be paid when you work and so do I.  If you have arrangements with public aid to pay for your daycare, one payment a month is fine but you are ultimately held responsible for the bill if they do not pay so make sure you keep up on your contract with them. In the event the parent will not be able to pick up the child by specified time, the parent will promptly notify me the care provider.
All children are expected to be picked up on time. If you are late you will be charged $5 per 1/4 hour you are late. If you are 30 minutes late you will be charged $10 etc.
All bills not paid on time will be charged 1.5% interest of the total each day it is late.

Insufficient Funds

I will not tolerate bounced checks. If you bounce a check you will be charged a minimum of $25.00 and possibly more if you cause me to bounce my account. All the fees my bank charges me WILL be passed on to you. I reserve the right to receive cash or money orders if this happens. A receipt will be provided to the parent.

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