Paull's Coat-of-Arms
This is the version of the coat of arms most often seen, reproduced from Victorian
china. The Tower represesents Paull’s defensive role on the north bank of the
Humber, still to be seen in Paull Battery and Paull Holme Tower, and the ship
represents Paull’s long-standing connection with ships and shipbuilding.
General Information
Shop opening times : general store and Post Office, Main
Street : open Mondays to Fridays from 7.45am to 5.30pm, 8am to 4.30pm on Saturdays
and also on Sunday mornings for Sunday papers etc.- Post Office is closed for
lunch 12.30pm to 1.30 pm; Wednesdays half-day closing.
Tradesmen’s vans : fishmonger - Tuesday mornings; butcher - Friday
mornings, bread van - Tuesdays.
Market Day in Hedon is every Wednesday.
Mobile library : calls on alternate Tuesday mornings, stopping on Back
Lane opposite Paghill, outside the lighthouse, and on Main Street.
Mobile Clinic - calls at Mother and Toddler Group (see
below) on alternate weeks at 2pm.
School : Paull County Primary School : Main Street, Paull. Girls and
boys aged 4 (Early Years class) to 11 - transfer to South Holderness School,
Mother and Toddler Group : meets in the village school
on Mondays at 2pm.
Village Hall : (available for private hire) - regular
users include Wednesday Club (every Wednesday 2 to 4pm), Holderness
Ranger Guides (girls aged 14+, every Tuesday in term-time, 6.30 - 8.00pm),
Carpet Bowls (all ages - Wednesdays from 7.30pm), Line Dancing (all ages, Mondays
and Fridays from 7.30pm)
Church and Chapel services : St. Andrew’s Church : morning service
on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 am; Evensong on 2nd and 4th Sundays at 6pm summer,
3.30pm winter. Methodist Chapel Main Street : services on alternate Sundays
at 3pm.
Doctors’ surgeries are in Hedon: Hedon Group Practice (tel. 01482 899111
for details and times of surgeries, etc.,) and Church View Practice (tel. 01482
899348 ditto) - both are situated on Market Hill. The Parish Council has succeeded
in obtaining the service of a subsidised taxi which is convenient
for morning surgeries.
Veterinary Surgery: Haven Veterinary Practice, Ketwell Lane, Hedon
- tel. 01482 898301 for appointments and information.
Village amenities : the playing field is used regularly by two football
teams - Paull Wanderers and Paull Primary School - and is open to the public.
The Parish owns two amenity areas, both with seating, one at the corner of Turpit
Lane and one on Main Street. There are extensive riverside and woodland walks,
some footpaths being suitable for wheelchair access.
Public Conveniences are situated alongside the Village Hall, and there
is ample car parking at High Paull, overlooking the river.
Paull Battery (also known as Fort
Paull) - see also History of Paull - is in private ownership and has recently
been developed as a tourist attraction. It is open every day from 10am until
6pm and features static displays of military history plus re-enactments most
weekends. The Parish Council, however, is less than happy about the level of
noise generated at these displays and would like some consideration to be shown
for the residents of the village, who find the constant noise of cannons and
muskets rather less thrilling than do visitors from outside the area.
Taxis : The subsidised taxi to Hedon leaves Paull each
morning at 8.10am, replacing one of the buses which has been removed. It has to
be pre-booked (tel. Hedon Taxis - 898989) the day before, or with the driver if
a regular pick-up is required. The cost is the same as the bus fare would have
Miscellaneous : Paull is part of an extensive flood warning system
although the Parish Council is powerless to actually prevent floods! At present
(2002) the low-lying area immediately south of the village is being returned
to saltmarsh in a managed retreat of the river bank (see
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The BP Chemicals site at Saltend test their emergency sirens at 2pm every