Paull Today
Paull Lighthouse Paull lies at the south-west corner of Holderness, the parish extending from Hedon Haven in the north, along the Hedon by-pass to Cherry Cob Sands and Stony Creek in the south-east, the southern and western boundaries of the parish being formed by the natural barrier of the Humber Estuary. The village itself lies in the northernmost quarter of the parish, less than half a mile south of Hedon Haven. The nearest large settlements are the city of Kingston-upon-Hull seven miles to the north-west and the market town of Hedon, two miles to the north-east.

The village consists of three main roads laid in a rough triangle - the oldest, Main Street, runs north-south roughly parallel to the river, Back Lane diverges away south-west and the third, “bottom” side of the triangle, across the southern end, is appropriately named Town End Road. Additional cul-de-sacs or “closes” run off all these main streets, Paghill Estate runs off Back Lane and the newest development, Ferryman Park, runs off Thorngumbald Road, which is itself an offshoot of Back Lane leading to Thorngumbald.

At present Paull is chiefly a dormitory village for the city of Hull, although some employment is provided in the surrounding villages and countryside and also within the village itself : one major employer in the immediate vicinity is the BP Chemical complex at Salt End.

The village has one shop, (a general store and post office), and three pubs - the Crown, the Humber Tavern and the Royal Oak, all situated along the same 200 yard stretch of Main Street. There was until recently also a fish-and-chip shop but it is now closed. Also on Main Street are the chapel, the school and the shipyard; all of the other streets etc. in the village are purely residential.

Main Street, Paull

Paull Primary School, built in 1863 on Main Street, caters for the village children from the age of four (there is an Early Years admissions class) until they transfer to South Holderness School at the age of eleven. At present there are less than 50 children in the school, divided between two classes- Infants (4 to 7) and Juniors (7 to 11), and even when numbers were greater than they are now there have never been more than three classes. In the last twenty years the school has seen many improvements, the most noticeable being the provision of indoor toilets, additional accommodation in the form of mobile classrooms, a small grassed play area and the moving of school meals from the Village Hall to within the school itself, thus removing the necessity of walking a line of children along the length of Main Street in all weathers. Most recently, in the summer of 2002, the parents, governors, staff and villagers have successfully fought off plans to close the school and transfer the children to school in Hedon.

In November 1997 the village launched a War Memorial Appeal, with the aim of raising sufficient funds to provide a permanent memorial to the fallen from Paull in both World Wars (23 men in total). The target was reached in 1999 and the memorial was erected at the junction of Back Lane /Turpit Lane/Thorngumbald Road/Town End Road and dedicated on November 13th of that year.

Right : This photo shows the War Memorial, Paull, at the dedication ceremony, with the Standards of the Royal British Legion, Holderness Rangers and Hedon Army Cadet Force.
Paull War Memorial

New houses at Paull Recent building developments have led to the expansion of the village from its nucleus in the Main Street / Back Lane / Town End Road triangle : Ferryman Park filled in most of the open space between Turpit Lane and the old vicarage (now the Paull Manor residential home) and the latest development, now called Beech Rise, has filled in the last open field in that area. Infill developments in Main Street are creating a small terrace of cottage properties in a similar style to the older cottages in the vicinity - this is in a Conservation Area, where the Parish Council and the residents of Paull would like to preserve the character of the heart of the village as far as possible.


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