Female Voices Early Intervention 
And Enhancement Program (FVP), Inc.

Hello Parents and New FVP Members!

Thank you for making Female Voices Early Intervention and Enhancement Program, Inc., the program of choice. This program is recognized by IRS as a Non-profit Organization with 501(C)3 status and licensed as a Community based Substance Abuse Prevention Program. We are delighted to have you as a member and look forward to a most eventful as well as positive relationship with you.

As you may already know, we are a community service program which offers activities such as mentoring, tutoring, substance abuse awareness, peer and family counseling and etc. To add, we are also involved in community service projects such as Adopt-A-Street, on Walnish Way, United Way and the March of Dimes. Each of our activities allow us to grow and develop in many ways. A few of the skills FVP targets are: leadership skills, responsibility skills, self esteem, positive decision making, conflict resolutions and female bonding skills. All of which are touched upon in various workshops and activities. Some of our activities include: substance abuse workshops, Independent Living Workshops, vocational training, achieving academic excellence workshops, historical and educational site visits, and various incentive activities.

Yes, we ware many hats, and we enjoy each of them. Please feel free to make recommendations to the program or compliment each other at anytime, as we believe in cheering each other on, it enhances our self-esteem.

If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 847-9407VM at any time.

Again, thank you for joining us as we, "allow our voices to be heard in our community by our actions."


Lorraine McKinnie
Executive Director


  1. FVP participants must obey the driver at all times.
  2. Everyone will remain in their seat at all times.
  3. Use of foul language is not permitted. Do not talk to distract the driver-It can be dangerous.
  4. Keep hands, feet, arms, and head to yourself and inside windows at all times.
  5. Do not throw trash or other rubbish on the floor. (Trash bags will be placed on both vans)
  6. The emergency exit must not be tampered with and not be used for ordinary boarding.
  7. No animals will be allowed on the vans.
  8. Small objects such as bottles that could get underfoot and cause passengers to trip or fall and/or get in the drivers break pedal, etc, will not be allowed on the van.
  9. The driver is in charge of the van and passengers at all times.
  10. The driver has the authority to assign pupils to certain seats. If necessary to promote order on the van.
  11. FVP Administrator will contact parents\guardians and issue verbal referrals for violations of these rules.

Female Voices Early Intervention and Enhancement Program, Inc.
Tallahassee, Florida

BYLAWS (Adopted November 1998)

The FVP Officers shall consist of 7 members appointed for 6 months to a one year term. The Officers shall establish operational rules and procedures governed by the FVP participants and staff.

It is the responsibility of FVP members and it’s officers to meet at least twice per month. In the event any member misses more than 1 meeting for three consecutive months without a proper excuse to be furnished to the President, Executive Director or the Mentor Coordinator, the other members and officers may at their discretion, recommend that the officer/member be placed on suspension or removed from office.

All members will pledge to act in the best interest of FVP whether in a general meeting or in the general public, to display characteristics of a positive leadership and exemplify good morals and values at all times. Members also are committed to wearing the FVP attire as requested/required to display female bonding.

The officers of FVP and their duties shall be:

A. President: Along with the FVP Staff, shall preside at all regular and special meetings, shall act as spokesperson for FVP and the public, shall perform such other duties that usually pertain to that of a President.

B. Vice-President: Shall assist the President with meetings and additional assignments, shall in the absence of the President, act on her behalf.

C. Secretary: Shall keep minutes of all meetings, shall keep attendance records, shall read minutes of previous meetings and provide copies as requested. Shall call each member, Wednesday before the Saturday of an FVP meeting to remind them of the location, time and any other important information.

D. Assistant Secretary: Shall assist the secretary as requested; shall in the absence of the secretary act on her behalf and resume her duties.

E. Treasurer: Shall collect and receive and all monies paid to FVP and turn all monies over to Staff along with a written report; shall report to the group monthly on the balance of the FVP account.

F. Assistant Treasurer: Shall assist the treasurer as requested; shall in the absence of the secretary act on her behalf and resume her duties.

G. Parliamentarian: Shall direct and coordinate the "flow" of the meeting, making sure that the group sticks to the agenda; identify and fine individuals for speaking or acting out (dis-appropriate behavior) during FVP activities.




5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.


Since the beginning of time there has never been another person like me. Nobody has my smile, nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my voice, I’M SPECIAL. 

No one can be found who has my handwriting. Nobody anywhere has my tastes-for food or music or art. No one sees things just as I do. In all of time there’s been no one who laughs like me. There’s no one who cries like me, and what makes me laugh & cry will never provoke identical laughter & tears from anybody else ever. No one reacts to any situation just as I would react. I’M SPECIAL. 

I’m the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I’m good at, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of my combination of talents, ideas, abilities & feelings. Like a room full of musical instruments, some may excel alone, but none can match the symphony sound when all are played together, I’M A SYMPHONY! 

Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me! I’M SPECIAL, I’M RARE! 

And in rarity there is great value. Because of my great rare value, I need not attempt to imitate others, I will accept, Yes, celebrate my differences! I’M SPECIAL! And I’m beginning to realize it’s no accident that I’M SPECIAL. 

I’m beginning to see that God made me special for a very special purpose. He must have a job for me that no one else can do as well as I. Out of all the Billions of applications only one is qualified, only one has the combination of What it takes!! That One Is Me Because I’M SPECIAL!!!

Female Voices Early Intervention and Enhancement Program, Inc.
615 Tuskegee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32310



Purpose: For the youth of our community to show unity among themselves. To learn leadership skills and enhance education awareness. The Most important objective is to teach our youth to become proud of themselves, their community and to become productive citizens.

Rules and Regulations

  1. When someone is talking everyone else should stop and listen.
  2. Use appropriate sir names and titles and show respect when speaking to adults.
  3. No profanity.
  4. No horse play, fighting or arguing.
  5. No lying or cheating.
  6. No littering or loitering.
  7. No use of racial slurs, name calling or displays of racism is allowed.
  8. No discrimination of men or women.
  9. Show common courtesy at all times.


Ms. Lorraine McKinnie

Ms. Janet Ashwood

(850) 847-9407 (Voice Mail)
FemaleVoice@yahoo.com (Email)

JANUARY 6, 2004