Franciscan Apostolic Sisters
An Institute of women who witness to Christ's love

 in the spirit of Mary's humility, simplicity, endurance,

service and charity...

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Spirit of the Institute

    The fundamental norm of the Religious Life is following Christ as proposed by the Gospel, which is to be regarded by all communities as their supreme law.  The contents of all religious rules are summarized in these words : "   If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow in My footsteps ".  The Rule and Constitutions are nothing more than the Gospel itself explained in detail and applied to the life of the community.

    The Seraphic Father, Saint Francis of Assisi used to call the rule "  the book of life, the hope of salvation, the marrow of the Gospel, the pledge of glory, the way of perfection, the key of paradise, the bond of eternal covenant  ".  These reflect the sanctity of the rule.

    The soul of the institute is the spirit of the founder and the rule is the reliquary of his spirit. 

    The Constitutions and Statues are the sisters' guide to holiness and are specific mission by placing at the service of evangelization the fields of their apostolate : education, pastoral work, health and social assistance as well as domestic services to the priests and seminarians and other special ministries.   In these Apostolates, the sisters bring back as many souls as they could to Christ through their work, prayer, and penance.

  •     In the field of education, the sisters commit themselves to school management and teaching.  Hence, the sisters must possess the necessary qualifications for the tasks.  They must have patience and understanding for the young and effectively promote campus ministry.
  •     As a pastoral worker, a sister must have the spirit of sacrifice and perseverance to be able to bear the inconveniences that the apostolate entails.
  •     In the medical field, a sister must have the necessary courage and prudence to be able to serve the physical and spiritual needs of the sick without endangering her soul in the process.
  •     Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, who took care of Jesus and the disciples, the sisters tend to the needs of the priests and seminarians by rendering them services with humility and generosity.

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