driving kills so many innocent people.
Let's stop it!!! Read
about Thera!
Abortion is
one of my nearest and dearest causes because I
believe it is murder.
I'm sorry if you disagree but I just feel that God would in no way condone abortion.
I understand in certain
circmstances women feel
abortion is justified. I'm not being
judgemental; I just don't
believe that the women who are aborting
their own children are
educated enough about the aftermath of such actions or encouraged to explore other
options. If you are considering abortion and want someone to talk to, feel free to
e-mail me.
I will do whatever I can to
help you.
Life What
Beautiful Choice!Shelby Renee
Adopted: January 2,1999 |
So often we
get caught up in the day-to-day routine of our lives that we talk to our Children like
dirt!! I am not totally innocent of this but on the rare occasion that I say
something mean to my daughter, I immediately apologize. Parents must remember that
so much of a child's self-esteem comes from what WE say to them.
It breaks my
heart to think of some of the painful experiences that so many children in America are
going through. As you read this,
a child is being
abused. We have got to ban together and show everyone that Child Abuse is not Godly
and it is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!
And when the
abuse isn't stopped in time... Children are murdered!!!
Click Christina's graphic to
learn what happened to her!
Click the Heaven's Littlest
Angels logo to adopt an angel!
Please take a
few seconds and view the twelve photographs that will
be shown below. Let's
bring all the missing children home!
One of my LOTH
Sisters is having a rought time because of a
law that's in place where she
lives! Click to read about it!
Want to help
STOP Child Pornography on the Internet?
Click the button below!
Several of my
friends have had to deal with BREAST CANCER.
Please visit the links below
to help prevent it!
Thanks so much
for visiting!
Angel's a dear friend of mine.
Thank you Angel!
For your
listening pleasure:
"El Shaddai"
Thanks to Laura's Midi Heaven.
Click the square to stop
the music if you so desire.