Lien- a claim upon property to prevent sale or transfer until a debt is satisfied. Liquid Assets- assets easily turned to cash. Medical Support- any medical, dental, optical or prescription drug and health care services or health care benefits made through the non-custodial parent's employment. Modification Petition- a formal written application to a court requesting a change in an existing child support order. Money Judgment- a court order requiring a non-custodial parent to repay arrears of child support to the custodial parent. Non-Custodial Parent- the parent who does not have physical custody of the child, but is legally responsible for providing financial and medical support. Obligation- amount of money to be paid as support by the legally responsible parent and the manner by which it is paid. Order of Filiation- court order stating that a certain man is the father of a certain child. Parent Locator Service- a computerized information service which the child support enforcement program uses to locate non-custodial parents through the state and federal records for the purpose of establishing paternity and establishing and enforcing child support. Paternity- legal determination of fatherhood. Paternity Hearing- a proceeding to examine the facts regarding legal fatherhood for a child. Paternity Petition- a formal written application to a court requesting judicial action to determine legal fatherhood of a specific man for a specific child. Petition- a formal written application to a court requesting judicial action on a certain matter. Petitioner- one who files a petition. Property Execution- a notice to seize the assets of a non-custodial parent who is delinquent in paying support. Putative Father- man alleged to be the biological father of a child. Respondent- one who answers a petition. Summons- the notice used to inform all parties of a court proceeding.
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