Welcome to our photo album.  Here we have room for everybody!  Meet our friends.  If you would like to be part of our album, just mail us your best picture in a *.gif or *.jpg format and we will be glad to have you with us.

These are our friend Nancy Fingerhut's girls.  The head study to the left is CH Dana's Gold Coin, and the blonde beauty to the right is CH Dana's Bit of Gold, Gold Coin's daughter.

These are our all-Peruvian friends. Their breed is known as Naked Peruvian Dogs and while they are already a registered breed, they come from the times of the Incas.  Their ancestors lived in Peru long before any other breeds, even before the Incas.  They have no hair at all, their skin is very soft and warm, and they are very sweet and good natured guys.  Our friends here belong to the "Pelito" kennel family (which in Spanish means "little hair").

This is Celtie, our Soft Coated Wheaten girlfriend!  She lives in Florida with mom Karen and dad Ken, and she is always ready for a good boat ride.  She also loves to play with her slide but for some reason the slide has been squeezing in size lately!

These are our friends Locky the Scottie and Maxi the Westie.  They live with their mom Veronica Fairclough

And last but not least, this is our friend Muffy.  Believe it or not, Muffy is a doggie-friendly bunny and she HAD to be in our page!

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