Hello!  This is Rufus here.  I was born on August 6, 1993, and even though my mother's human parents named me Archibald de San Tadeo, I like better my war name, Rufus.  I had two brothers and four sisters, and mommie Margarita picked me up because I was so cute and gentle.
 This is the day mom brought me home.  I was 2 months old and very small.  Here I am with mom and the wooden Indian elephant which I ate afterwards, when my teeth started to grow.
I used to play with mom and my vinyl bone. My little needle teeth also destroyed my bone in a matter of weeks!
Whew…!  Coming home was a tiring experience, playing so much with mom!  But she takes loving care of me and has given me this cozy blanket to keep me warm.
Here I am the day mom took me for my first haircut.  What a furry guy I was!
And look what I became!  Do you find me handsome?
Now that I have grown up, I am the man of the house and constantly patrol it to be sure my family is safe.
Sometimes I am sweet and keep company to mom's pet stuffed Scottie baby.
And always enjoy a good meal even if the soup gets me a wet runny beard!
Now that you know me, please take a look at the other members of my family.  They'll love to tell you their stories too!
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