Hi all!  I am Honeysuckle of Melinda but my pals call me Honey because I am a real sweet blonde wheatie.  Mom says my name is a perfect match because I can't help giving kisses all day long and has named me her Sweetie Wheatie.  I was born on November 18, 1994, and I came home because mom had decided long before I was born that it was time for Rufus to have a loving company.
This is the day I got home.  I must say that I was afraid.  I had to hide from this furry black guy who kept running after me all day long!
Well, it was not so bad coming home.  Mom is always ready to tickle me and I really LOVE those belly rubs!
Here I am in all my furry splendour!  Mom says I'll give the groomers a hard time with so much thick blonde fur.
Now here I am, all groomed and brushed and pretty.  And guess what: I am also pregnant!
This is the day my babies were born: two black girls, two wheaten girls and one wheaten boy!  And see it for yourselves: three shades of wheaties!  Whew… this has been an exhausting day.
Dog!! Will these babies EVER stop looking for food?  They seem to have a SCOTTIE appetite!
Well, the babies are gone to their new homes and so is my beard.  The little rascals wouldn't stop pulling it.  Now I can relax from such a dedicated job as being a mother.
Hope you liked me and liked my babies!  I love to hear mom's friends praising my family, so please join them and visit their sites.  You'll make me very proud!
Our dear Honey crossed the Rainbow Bridge on March 13, 2003. We will always remember her sweet disposition and her blonde beauty. She will live forever in our hearts!
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