To places I have found
helpful or interesting or both


Miscellaneous links with descriptions

Left Behind Series The Series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins about those left behind after Christ returns for His people in the Rapture. How they realize that they had missed the big picture and struggle now with the prophecies in Revelations.

Social Security Online The offical website of the Social Security Administration

Ebay Auctions, trading and more

ICQ Another great way to stay connected with friends

Earthlink My connection to the internet with local dial ups across the US

TicketMaster For all your Ticket needs

COSI If you are ever in Ohio it is a wonderful place to explore

The Free Site Lots of free stuff and links to other free stuff

A great place for kids and parents

Websters Grammar Site Covers all the grammar stuff ... Just in case you wanna know where that comma goes..

Personal Study Tools Wonderful Helps for the Studying the Bible

BlueMountain Cards Let them know you are thinking of them

The Oreo Page

The Hersheys Page Has recipes and all kinds of stuff

The Nestles Page More Chocolate stuff

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate FactoryLots of cool stuff for Kids