**last updated August 4, 1999**
recently I have found more and more good Christian sites/study helps sites I have decided to put them all on one page to help you find them easier. Christian Links
I see you found your way to the kitchen.
Help yourself to the
I keep plenty around for visitors :o) I know popcorn makes you thirsty, so help yourself to a DIET Coke.
Don't worry it is free, just push the button, or perhaps you would prefer
WELL... Now that you have your snacks. On with the tour. You getta to pick where you wanna go. Have fun meeting my kids and hubby in their Cyberrooms BUT remember that nothing here will ever be finished,:o) because everything continually changes in Cyberville!! ;o)
Thoughts on Scripture
Colossians ††
I, II Peter ††
I, II, III John ††
James ††
Hebrews ††
†† Hall of Faith ††
Why Study God's Word? ††
You are a Christian...What comes next? ††
What to read in times of Need. ††
Christian Terms Dictionary ††
Twenty cans of Success ††
Yahoo Christian Chat HOT TOPICS? ††
†† Prove it...Guaranteed Salvation...Homosexual
Christians...Sin in Cyberville, Sin or JUST Cyber?...More to come ††
Christian Responsibilities ††
†† Page 1 ††
Page 2 ††
The Beach ††
Six Flags ††
Family Portraits ††
†† A Surprise
Friends Pages
among other things
†† Miscellaneous Links ††
†† A Father's Unspoken Love ††
God's Plan for Your Life ††
Prayer Rock ††
†† SMILE ††
Forever Friends ††
Buddylist vs. God ††
†† Heaven's Grocery Store ††
Friends are a Special Gift from God ††
What is a Friend? ††
†† He is (in every book) ††
Please let Jesus in††
You have met our pet
He will always bring you back here when you click on him. Speakin of our FROG, if you have been in any Christian Bookstore lately you have probably noticed that FROG has another meaning.
Ohhhhh....before you leave, go see where I got all the
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