After 10 years of anchoring and reporting, Todd left Fox 13 for a better family life. He currently works as a bank recruiter and couldn't be happier. After TV he worked for a marketing company that's now belly up. Then he worked as a producer of a nationally syndicated reality TV show. He decided life on the road, 16-20 hour days and 30 days without a day off were not what he wanted to do. That's when he jumped into recruiting. Good thing too... the show is now belly up, although you can still catch it in most markets. They're just not producing any new episodes.
In his spare time he likes to play basketball, golf, and goof around on the computer.
Before KSTU he was an anchor at CBS affiliate KEPR-TV in Tri Cities, Washington. Before that it was Brigham Young University
where he majored in Broadcast Communications while reporting and anchoring at KBYU-TV. From 1986 to 1988 Todd
served as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Indiana. Todd grew up in Orem, Utah
while going to Pleasant Grove High School. Before that it's all just a blur.
For all you know that's President Clinton's hand I'm shaking in front of Air Force One.