Latest update: As of August I'm now working as a producer on the nationally syndicated show HomeTeam. I'll be travelling around the country helping give away homes to deserving people. Check out

Okay, here's my disclaimer. I've been busy so I haven't updated the site all that much lately. Okay, it's been four years of busy! Maybe I've just been lazy. So, just add 4 years to everyone's agest and kind of try to dream up what we may have been doing in that time.
I guess the biggest thing to happen is that I quit my big shot TV career. I finally got tired of working on weekends for the last 10 years and I got really bored with the TV stuff. It just wasn't challenging anymore. They offered my another contract and more money and I chose unemployment instead.
Sinced that time I've worked at Tricordia. We're a start up marketing company in Utah and I've loved life after TV!!! Who woulda thought it was so great? The challenges of a startup are varied and difficult and that's what I love.
So I guess there is news, but I've been too lazy to get it placed here. One of these days I'll get a whole slew of updates and even photos. The question is .... who even stumbles upon this site? If you do, how about dropping us a line.
Our biggest news: We had another kid! Our fourth girl! Bring on the wedding bills! Mia was born April 30th, 2002.

In other news:

We still live in a HOUSE! We've lived in our house two whole years now. The time has flown by! (That's old news.. but it was easier to just put "still" in the line for an update.)

Sheridan is just getting bigger and bigger. She turned four years old on May 6th! Right now she's a major jabber box. Especially in church!

McKayla is enjoying being eight. She loves school, riding lessons and all the eight year old stuff. We went to Disneyland in March of 2000 and you would have thought she'd died and gone to heaven. We had to drag her out of there.

Sarina is the funniest little girl we know. She usually has a smile on her face, and she always thinks she's just hilarious with her little 2 year old jokes. She's also fearless... she'll adventure just about anywhere and talk to just about anyone. We'll keep an eye on her!

Disney Trip: Click here for more details and pictures.

Todd - Koreen - McKayla - Sheridan -Sarina - Mia
Family News - Clinton-� Definition - Interview