The FLECKENSTEIN family began immigrating to the United States in about 1853. First the two older sons, Gottfried Valentin and Ernst, came to New York, where Gottfried clerked in stores. I am not sure what kind of work Ernst was doing at that time. After two years the men moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1857 they moved to Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota and opened their first brewery.

Their father, Johannes Georg Paul, and mother, Anna Margaret, with two of their sisters, Maria Rosina and Elizabeth, came to the United States in 1861. Another brother, Joseph, arrived in America 29 Jul 1862 and went directly to Faribault to join his brothers in the beer brewing business. My direct ancestor, their brother, Paul, came over 12 Jun 1864 and worked with his brothers in a brewery in Rice County, Minnesota for a while, before moving on to Faribault County, Minnesota and forming his own brewery.

Brewing beer came naturally to the Fleckensteins, their family had been doing that for generations in Bavaria. They had a brewery built into the side of a mountain with a freshwater spring supplying the main ingredient to a pure and clear product, protected from the elements within the confines of the mountain. They looked for the same situation in America and built their breweries right into mountains.

There are many Fleckenstein families in the United States, and a surprising number of them are interested in their genealogy. I have been contacted by quite a few and I hope that we can eventually find the links that join these families together.

This is an artist's rendering of the famous French chateau constructed between 1100 and 1200 and named Fleckenstein Castle. Standing 300 feet high, the fortress was built near Lembach. The ruins still stand today and may be reached by car from Strassburg.

Surnames in this family line are:


COLLOPY/CALLOPY: Neal Alfred 4, Francis S. 3, William Stephen 2, Michael 1

DOYLE: Mary 2, Edward 1

EMGE line 1: Anna Margaret 2, Michael 1

EMGE line 2: Catherine Elizabeth

FLECKENSTEIN: Mary Teresa 7, Paul 6, Georg Paul 5, Johannes Paulus 4, Johannes Jakobus 3, Johannes Petrus 2, Johannes Adam 1

GRAVES: Susie Angeline 3, William Benjamin 2, Alfred W. 1

HEEG: Anna Margareta

NELSON: Susan S.2, William 1

PAHL: Anna Margaret


SCHIMEK: Teresa 2, Joseph 1


SICKENBERGER: Anna Maria 2, Michael 1

SPINDLER: Anna Eva 2, Jois 1

STOFF: Maria Eva

STOREN: Margaret

SCHWIND: Elizabeth

WALLACE: Beulah Angeline 2, William Harrison 1

Other surnames that connect with this family are:

Allison, Anderson, Andress, Armstrong, Basker, Benefield, Berry, Bichler, Bigler, Birk, Bork,Brooks, Brost, Brohome, Buck, Burford,Burkhart, Burns, Busse, Butcher, Canon,Carlton, Cathcart, Celoni, Champa, Coffee,Coffman, Colbress, Collins, Comer, Conlan,Cooper, Crawford, Bristle, Cronemiller, Curtice,Dansby, Deike, Diedrich, Doepping, Dorado, Doyle, Duckett, Dunevant, Eastman, Eastwood,Eidler, Erichron, Falkenberg, Farrell, Finley, Ford, Fox, Frettim, Galban, Garnett, Glaser,Gomez, Graves, Griebenow, Grimshaw, Guillen, Gunderson, Gunzer, Hadlick, Hans, Hansell, Hansen, Harris, Hartwick, Hauck, Heckenlaible, Heil, Heinsch, Helms, Helseth, Hileman, Hintz, Hollingworth, Horn, Howard, Huffstutler, Jackson, Jacob, Jirousek, Johnson, Johnstone, Judd, Kallier, Karp, Kaufman, Kester, Klosterman, Knapton, Krohn, Krone, LaBonte/LaBonty,LaRock, Linkey, Lommel, Long, MacPaugh, Marshal, Mast, McCarthy, McKenzie, Mengle,Metsker, Miller, Mizer, Moffitt, Montgomery, Moore, Mosher, Mosqueda, Nelson, Neuman,Nordgre, O'Brien, O'Connell, Ogle, Olive, Olsen, O'Neill, Paff, Pahl, Perigo, Pierce, Plante,Poppler, Preble, Roell, Ruge, Sackett, Sanford, Schimonitz, Schmidt, Schumacker, Schwahn,Shemeta, Sievers, Sitze, Skinness, Smith, Soucy, Spencer, Spurgeon, St. Lucus, Stevens, Stoss,Tattersall, Terese, Thomas, Thompson, Timmisch, Tolbot, Tonneson, Townsend, Turner, Van Campen, Voltz, Wallace, Webb, Weide, Wendt, Wickham, Willey, Wilson, Woolery, Wortham,Wright, Wurtz, Yackley, Zamboni, Zelinka.

For more information on the Fleckenstein family check out:
The Familienchronik der Fleckenstein
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Last Updated 18 Nov 2004 by Sandie Huffstutler