The STEVENS Family Lines

The STEVENS family can be traced back to early New England. My earliest verified ancestor was Samuel STEVENS. I have not been able to prove the date of his birth, but I do know that he married Rachel HEATH 16 Nov 1704 in Amesbury, Essex, Massachusetts. There is much speculation that he is the son John STEVENS and Esther BARKER, but I have not been able to prove that to my satisfaction.
Surnames in this line:

ALDEN: Elizabeth 2, John 1

ATWOOD: Alice 2, Nicholas 1

BARTLETT/BARTTELOTT: Deborah 20, Benjamin 19, Benjamin 18, Robert 17, Richard 16, Robert 15, William 14, Richard 13, John 12, Richard 11, John 10, John 9, Adam 8, John 7, Thomas de Stopham 6, Adam de Stopham 5, Richard de Stopham 4, John de Stopham 3, William de Stopham 2, Adam 1



BREWSTER Line 1: Sarah 5, Love 4, William 3, William 2, William 1

BREWSTER Line 2: Patience 4, William 3, William 2, William 1

BROUGHTON: Elizabeth 2, Foulke 1



COLBY: Elizabeth 10, Isaac 9, Anthony 8, Thomas 7, John 6, John 5, John 4, John 3, Henry 2, Hugh 1

COLLIER: Sarah 2, William 1

COOP: Johan


DINGLEY: Sarah 2, John 1

DOW: Jerusha 7, Henry 6, Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Henry 3, Thomas 2, John 1


ENGLAND: Margaret

FELDON: Beatrix 1, Thomas 1

FLYE: Faith 2, John 1

FORD: Mercy 4, William 3, William 2, William 1

GREEN: Sarah

HADDON: Susanna


HARPER: Isabel

HEATH: Rachel 4, John 3, Bartholomew 2, John 1

HOWLAND: Susannah 5, Ebenezer 4, Thomas 3, Arthur 2, Arthur 1

HUCKINS: Rachel 4, Robert 3, James 2, Robert 1

JOHNSON: Elizabeth

JONES: Hannah Marilla 2, James 1

JORDAN Line 1: Nancy 7, Jedidiah 6, Samuel 5, Jedidiah 4, Jedidiah 3, Robert 2, Edward 1

JORDAN Line 2: Hannah 5, Robert 4, Jedidiah 3, Robert 2, Edward 1

JOUATT: Elizabeth

KIMBALL/KEMBOLD: Dorcas 10, Henry 9, Richard 8, Richard 7, Henry 6, Henry 5, Henry 4, John 3, Thomas 2, Thomas 1

LATLY: Phebe

MANN: Maud

MARCH: Elizabeth


MOYCE/MOYSE: Hannah 2, Joseph 1

MULLINS/MOLINES: Priscilla 3, William 2, John 1

NORTHBEND: Elizabeth 2, John 1

PABODIE/PEABODY: Ruth 4, William 3, John 2, John 1

PACKARD: Harriet 2, Simon 1

PARRATT: Martha 2, Francis 1

PARTRIDGE: Sarah 3, William 2, John 1

PITNEY: Sarah 2, John 1

PRINCE/PRENCE: Elizabeth 3, Thomas 2, Thomas 1

READ: Margaret

SCOTT: Ursula 5, Henry 4, Edmund 3, George 2, George 1

SMITH: Sarah


SHELDRAKE: Martha 2, John 1

STEVENS: Lula Estelle 7, Prince Thomas 6, Consider Thomas 5, Caleb Dalton 4, Bartholomew 3, Samuel 2, Samuel 1

THOMAS: Sarah Green 7, Consider 6, William 5, Josiah 4, Samuel 3, John 2, William 1

TURNER: Rachel

WARREN: Mary 4, Richard 3, Christopher 2, William 1

WEBB: Alice 2, Thomas 1


WYATT: Mary 3, John 2, John 1

Lots more to come. Come back often.

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Last Updated 11 Feb 2002 by Sandie Huffstutler