My nickname at one job was : “Oh No.” When ever I would walk into the break room I would always hear, “Oh No, she is back.” I know when I die that at least one person will stand up and say, “That women never went anywhere without her bible." “She would be so excited about what she had found in the Word of God.” “If you ever got her started, she would just suck the air right out of the room sharing her simple miracles.”
It would be a blessing, for I know that part of this would be true. Because you see; I go to the store and talk to the clerk about the Lord. I go to the library and tell the librarian about the Lord. Now I don’t do it in a weird Jesus Freak way. I just start telling about the simple miracles in my life that Jesus has done. You see that is the
In Revelation 19:10b it says: “The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.” I don’t start out a conversation with "This is what the bible says, pointing an accusing finger." I say "Let me share the exciting thing that happened to me the other day."
For example: My dear friends had been on vacation and I had missed them. I figured I would run then down at their favorite restaurant. I had grabbed my five dollars and when I saw that they had just started to eat I ordered my lunch. I laughingly said, “Well I won’t be coming to lunch this Thursday, (we always go out on Thursday,) for I just spent my lunch money. Now if the Lord provides me with another five bucks I will be here.”
I went home and had forgotten what I had said until I opened up my mail. I had ordered a freebie from Hewitt Packard for my new computer and had totally forgotten about it. There was an envelope from them so I opened it an read the letter. “We are sorry we ran out of the kit you had ordered in our free offer and have enclosed this six dollar check for your inconvenience.”
Well if you knew me, you would have known I just busted up laughing and of course praised the Lord. Immediately I went to the phone to share my simple miracle with my friends. Then I went to the neighbors and shared it with them . Onto the net and I shared it with another few friends. I shall be sharing this story with whom ever has not heard it for at least 3 months. For by then I will most undoubtfully have a new one to share. I for one am not ashamed to say this is what the Lord has done for me today. If you can not at least share your simple miracles I guess you should be praying for boldness, and more exciting miracles.
(2 Tim 1:8 KJV) "Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;"
I was raised a Roman Catholic. I stopped going to church at the age of 15. At the age of 25 when my son was five I decided it was time to check out going back to church. That lasted about a week, before that decision became stale. My conversion testimony is on Mulraine’s testimony page. I was saved under an Assembly of God church. I have been to Foursquare Churches and Church of God. They all had their good points and bad, they are run by man, the meat is in the Word of God.
I do not forsake going to church, for we are to assemble together, and I love my Pastor's and friends and the testimony for Jesus that I can share at church.
If you want or need to know anymore just write. My life is an open book. I have been there and done that to almost everything. And that is why I can honestly say that Our Lord Jesus truly saved me from the pit of hell. I shall always praise His Name and will never be ashamed of who
I am in Christ.
My favorite Verse for it says it all.
(Psa 116:1-2 KJV) "I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live."
by Linda Marie
© 1998