One of the toughest tasks a church faces is choosing a good minister. A member of an official board undergoing this painful process finally lost patience. He'd watched the Pastoral Relations Committee reject applicant after applicant for some fault, alleged or otherwise. It was time for a bit of soul-searching on the part of the committee. So he stood up and read a letter purporting to be from another applicant.

"Gentlemen: Understanding your pulpit is vacant, I should like to apply for the position. I have many qualification... I've been a preacher with much success and also had some success as a writer. Some say I'm a good organizer. I've been a leader most places I've been.

"I'm over 50 years of age. I have never preached in one place for more than three years. In some places I have left town after my work has caused riots and disturbances. I must admit I have been in jail three or four times, but not because of any wrongdoing. My health is not good though I still get a great deal done. The churches I have preached in have been small, though located in several large cities. I've not got along well with religious leaders in towns where I have preached. In fact, some have threatened me and even attacked me physically. I am not too good at keeping records. I have been known to forget whom I have baptized.

"However, if you can use me, I shall do my best for you."

"The board member looked over the committee. "Well, what do you think? Shall we call him?"

The good church folks were aghast. Call an unhealthy, trouble-making, absent-minded ex-jailbird? Was the board member crazy? Who signed the application? Who had such colossal nerve?

The board member eyed them all keenly before he answered. "it's signed, "The Apostle Paul."

C. W. Kirkpatrick

My special 5 year old friend from Ephatha deaf school/orphanage and me visiting Seoul Korea

2 of the younger kids from Ephatha deaf school/orphanage and me

me visiting at the school/orphanage

Group photo of all the kids from Ephatha deaf school/orphanage

Close friends of mine "Shimmer in 97 and Alli"

Mel in a garden

Monica and her friend Erik

This is Niffer and a male friend

Tiggerific from Churchusa

Annie(connie)from churchusa

monkey and her family

monkey's newest additions to the family


Shyrider from churchusa

Dreamer(Carol) and Kid(Andy) and their son Jeremy

INDEX-has poem "Footprints in the sand"
LIFES READINGS-Readings to help you through life's trials
ATTRIBUTES AND DOCTRINES OF THE BIBLE-Teaches the attributes/doctrines of the bible
PARABLES-This talks of the parables of the bible
RAPTURE1-This is part one on the rapture.
RAPTURE2-This is part two on the rapture.
RAPTURE3-This is part three on the rapture.
RAPTURE4-This is part four on the rapture.

CHURCHUSA HOMEPAGE-This is the homepage to ChurchUSA.
CHURCHUSA MAIN ROOM-This is the main Christian chatroom you can fellowship in. You can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
CHURCHUSA SINGLES ROOM-This is the singles Christian chatroom you can fellowship in.
CHURCHUSA TEEN ROOM-This is the teen Christian chatroom you can fellowship in. You can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
CHURCHUSA MUSIC ROOM-This is the music Christian chatroom you can fellowship in. You can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
CHURCHUSA BIBLE STUDY ROOM-This is the bible study Christian chatroom you can fellowship in. You can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
CHURCHUSA PRAYER ROOM-This is the prayer Christian chatroom you can fellowship in. You can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
WWCOL HOMEPAGE-This is another great Christian chatroom you can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
WWCOL PRETEEN CHRISTIAN-This is the preteen Christian chatroom.
WWCOL SINGLES CHRISTIAN-This is the singles Christian chatroom, you can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
WWCOL GENERAL CHRISTIAN-This is the general Christian chatroom, you can find me as TrulyLuvJesus
WWCOL TEEN CHRISTIAN-This is the teen Christian chatroom, you can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus
WWCOL SAFE GENERAL-This is the general chatroom, you can find me there as TrulyLuvJesus

SHIMMER'S SITE-A directory of Christian resources
MEL'S-Shimmer's younger daughter's website
MONKEYSPLACE-Friend from churchusa
CHILD OF GOD-Another friend from churchusa
AMISFIT-Personal link
SUEBQ-Personal with link
EB-A friend of Shimmer's
DREAMER AND KID-Website dedicated to Shimmer
LONESTAR59-Personal site with Christian links

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