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What Is the Moorish Science Temple of America?

The Moorish Science Temple of America (M.S.T. of A) is a lawfully chartered religious corporation founded by Noble Drew Ali in the year 1928. The purpose of the M.S.T. of A is to make better Citizens by teaching them their Nationality, Religion and Birthrights. By exercising this knowledge, one is reconnected to their history and heritage, and is brought into the Constitutional fold of their government as a "First Class" Citizen according to the Free National Constitutional Law that was enforced since 1774 declaring all men free and equal.

In essence, the M.S.T. of A. teaches one who they are, who their Forefathers were, and the truth about the fee simple estate of their forefathers that had descended to them. The M.S.T. of A. also teaches one how to exercise their rights as a lawful Moorish American Citizen with the support and defense of the laws and the Constitution of the United States to acquire the actual possession of one's birthright property for one's redemption and regeneration.

Why Is Declaring One's Nationality Important?

According to Black's Law Dictionary - 5th Edition, "Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance". The political terms given to our people, such as "Blacks", "Negroes", "African American", "West Indian", "Colored", "Ethiopian" and "Latinos or Hispanics", subject our people to abuse and maltreatment. This is due to the fact that these terms cannot be legitimately applied to any people of the human family, because such expresions not only fail to accurately designate the true race and national origin of the people described, but also degrade such people to the level of subhuman existence.

These names have never been reognized by any true American Citizen of this day. Through your Free National Name, you are known and are recognized by all the nations of the earth. Furthermore, Nationality derives from the noun Nation, which derives from the word Nature. So, the terms described above are unnatural, and are contrary to our fundamental nature which is Divine.

What Are Our Divine Creed and Principles & What Makes A Moor?

The Divine Creed and Principles of the Moorish Science Temple of America are Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Marcus Garvey stated, "The flag of a Nation is the emblem that signifies the existence of that Nation".

Our flag! The red flag with the five pointed green star in the center represents our Divine Creed and Principles and the existence of the Moorish nation. The Moorish Flag was restored to the Moors in the year 1925 by Noble Drew Ali. This testifies to the fact that a Nation existed prior to our enslavement.

What makes a Moor is becoming conscious and conscientious of ones Nationality, Birth Right and Constitutional Heritage, and upholding the Divine Creed and Principles of their Ancient Forefathers.

Who Are The Moors In History?

The Moors are the descendants of the Ancient Moabites, the aboriginal inhabitants of North, South and Central America (originally named Amexem). The same people - The Moors invaded Spain (Al Andaluz) in 711 A.D. and ruled major parts of Europe for nearly eight centuries. The Moorish contributions to European civilization are well documented in history for providing light to enter Europe during the time of the Dark Ages.

The Moors were finally thrusted out of Spain in the 17th. Century, but they continued to be a maritime power. The first Nation in the World to recognize the Continental Government of the United States was the Moorish Empire. They signed the first International Treaty of Peace and Commerce with this newly Independent country known as the U.S.A. in 1787, at a time when Moorish descendants help build the foundation of the American Government - for example, Benjamin Banneker, Estevanico, and Prince Whipple just to name a few.

What Are the Benefits of Becoming a Member of the M.S.T. of A. & Where Can We Learn Moor?

The benefits include but are not limited to:

To learn Moor write to:

M.S.T. of A., Post Office Box 45 Bronx, New York 10473

Major Areas of Moorish Education

Koran Circle 7: Sacred writings of Father God Allah given through his prophet Noble Drew Ali to Asiatic people of Northwest Amexem. It is also the legal and lawfully sealed instrument for the conveyance of Moorish customs, titles and birthright.

101 Questionnaire: Important elements of Moorish belief placed in "question and answer" format. Ideal for new Moorish Americans and Sunday School class.

Other Moorish Weblinks

Koran Circle 7 - M.S.T. of A. - Entry A
Koran Circle 7 - M.S.T. of A. - Entry B
The Moorish Impact on Europe
Quotations on Moorish (Islamic) Civilization
Muslims in the Americas Before Columbus
Muslim Legacy in Early America
After The Treaty of Grenada
An Introduction To The Secret Tradition of Islam
Journal Of The Moorish Paradigm